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5 Types of Men Who Cheat Most According to Science

Is your guy addicted to Twitter? Is he turning 29? Well, if the answer is YES, he might be a potential cheater.

According to science, here are the 5 types of people who are more likely to be unfaithful. Only those who have dated someone of these men may know if this is true or not.

  1. Men Whose Age Ends In ‘9’


According to a new study published in Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences, people turning an age that ends in ‘9’ are more likely to cheat. The reason probably is because of life changes and choices that men make as they approach a new decade.

Well, going on a date with a guy who’s about to turn 29 isn’t a good idea.

  1. Tall Guys


A new study from extra-marital dating site, IllicitEncounters.com, claims that men over 5’10” are twice as likely to cheat on their partner.

  1. Guys Who Work In IT


These types of men seemingly soft and tender with hipster glasses and patience are among most sneaky, cheating partners, according to the Ashley Madison survey. This same survey has also revealed that unfaithful wives are often teachers.

  1. Twitter Users


Shocking news: Social media can be very dangerous to your relationship! According the recent research from the University of Missouri, those who tweet cheat. They claim that if the person uses Twitter more often is more likely to have relationship conflicts and love affairs.

  1. French People


Well, this might be very disappointing, but according to LELO, a luxury sex toy brand, the French people are the greatest cheaters in the world. Around 75 % of the French admit to cheating. What can you expect in a relationship with the best lovers in the world? Wine, cheese and an affair, says science.