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5 Natural Ways To Treat Warts

Warts are a sign of viral infections caused by more than 35 different viruses called human papillomavirus. The ordinary warts are called Verrucae Vulgaris and they mainly appear on the palms while the other type, Verrucae Plantares appears on the feet. Many researches have shown that people with low immunity system are more prone to getting warts rather than people with healthy immune system.

How To Treat Warts?

Some warts heal themselves through time while others need to be treated. The best way to treat warts is by using natural products.


Castor oil and Basil

Here are the 5 natural ways you can treat warts:

1. Elm (Betula)

Elm bark has been used for treating warts in many countries such as China and the U.S. Elm contains betuline and betulinic acid that have anti-viral properties.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil is amazing for treating warts. Castor oil contains salicylates which heal all types of warts.

3. Fig and Pineapple

Figs and pineapples contain proteolytic enzymes which soften the warts and then heal them. Fig juice and pineapple crust are perfect for treating unwanted warts.

4. Dandelion

Dandelion contains milky juice that can help you treat warts. Dandelion has been used for ages for treating skin conditions. Apply some dandelion juice directly on the warts and watch them heal.

5. Basil

Basil has antiviral properties and that makes it perfect for treating warts. Smash some basil leaves and apply them directly on the area where you have warts.


Some of these natural substances may irritate the skin, so after applying them on the warts if you notice redness, wash the skin area thoroughly and stop using of these natural herbs. Consult your doctor before starting treating warts on your own, to protect yourself from unwanted consequences.