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Here Are The Reasons Why Not to Wear Bra While Sleeping

Should you wear a bra or not is one of the never ending debates among women.

Most of the women avoid wearing bra because of the uncomfortable feeling and having fear of clogging the lymphatic glands which can lead to breast cancer.

Besides the medical reasons there is also a religious reason that wearing a bra at night prevent the breasts from becoming saggy. But looking on scientific perspective both theories are myths.


From medical perspective, it has not been proven that wearing a bra during night deters the pathways of the lymph nodes. So erase the risk of breast cancer from your list of fears.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the main reasons for breast sagging, also the age and genetics.

Wearing a bra or not while sleeping is a matter of choice. For women who have skin problems such as skin rashes or skin irritation wearing a bra can be painful, but for those who have tender breasts, they definitely need to wear support bra.

Here are the most common reasons why women do not wear bra during sleep:

1. Sweating and Irritation

Wearing a bra while sleeping can make you sweat more. The sweating causes skin irritation.

2. Restlessness

Wearing a tight bra while sleeping can make you restless and sleepless in the night. This is the reason for negative effect on your health.

3. Reduced Circulation

Wearing bra during night may reduce circulation. This is the reason for an uncomfortable sleeping.

4. The Consensus

Wearing bra at night is your choice. Some women think it is safe to wear bra while sleeping, some think is unhealthy. Many women claim that wearing bra while sleeping, cause them health problems.