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You Don’t Meet Anyone By Accident : 5 Types of Cosmic Connection

Everything happens for a reason in our life and we don’t meet anyone by accident. We meet people for different reasons and we’re not even aware of it.

Synchronicity is a concept which explains that every event in your life is a meaningful coincidence. Even the people who come into your life. They come to teach us and shows us things and walk with us through the journey we call life. These connections are called synchronistic connections.

Here are the 5 most common people we meet throughout our lives and the cosmic connections we make with them:

1. People who make you grow

These people are called the soul teachers. They will show us our true selves and help us create a better vision for ourselves. They’re the people that will help us become the best version of ourselves.

2. People who come to remind you

These people will evoke the knowledge in you and teach us what is truly important. These are the people that will make your soul for eternity, the people that will never leave our hearts. We could never forget these people that have marked our lives.

3. People who come to awaken you

Not everyone you meet is positive and even negative people will help you grow. The Universe knows what you can tolerate and knows how much negativity you can tolerate. When you learn your lesson, you’ll be able to move on from the toxic people.

4. People who are meant to leave

These people come into our lives for different reasons and they don’t stay for long. They come into our lives to teach us something, no matter if it’s positive or negative. These are the people that will come into your life and break your heart.

5. People who are meant to stay

These people are very rare and they will stay with you until the end of the journey. They’ll come into your life when you need them the most and will become your support system. You will create a strong bond that will be unthinkable to break.