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Why are Women Choosing to Get Gastric Sleeve Surgeries in Tijuana to Avoid High Medical Cost in the US?

Today, women have found that undergoing through other methods of dealing with obesity is pretty expensive as compared to trying Gastric Sleeve Surgery. Here are the benefits of using Gastric Sleeve Surgery today that lowers the costs of treatment:

1. Quick rates of recovery

This gastric sleeve surgery is a quick as well effective way of reducing obesity since it helps reduce hunger leading to excellent results in a much shorter time. The fact is that gastric sleeve surgery procedure was first created as the initial step in a complicated procedure for those suffering from super obese. Surgeons are today creating a sleeve before finishing the rest of the stated procedure especially after a patient losing some weight.

2. It costs less money for those who need to lose weight

While most patients have been using other methods as a way of weight loss, Gastric Sleeve Surgery provides a much cheaper way when compared to other procedures. Why say this? Gastric sleeve surgery has been practiced for some years with results being positive. In addition, it costs less by 25 percent when compared to other common forms of weight loss that people have been using in the modern world.

By bypassing through the procedure, the intestines are able to produce a mal-absorptive aspect, which gives the body less time to absorb calories. This is because the intestinal tract in such a case is shorter, which effectively reduce the rate of calorie consumption.

3. Has a lower risk of GERD

If you know the acid reflux (GERD) history, most surgeons are now recommending gastric sleeve surgery because of its lower GERD risk after gastric bypass. This means as a patient, you will never have to pay more money as post-treatment costs making it a preference for many women living in Tijuana.

4. Lower the Chances of developing Dumping syndrome

Dumping syndrome can sound like a severe complication as well as a horrible gastric sleeve surgery side effect. It is a benefit. In addition, it is unique to the gastric sleeve surgery. When a person undergoes gastric sleeve surgery, the surgeons will remove pylorus; this will prevent the stomach contents from emptying into small intestine much quicker. In the end, the body will react through releasing gastrointestinal hormones situated in the small intestine before secreting insulin. Women have been using this procedure to lose weight much cheaply without having to spend too much money.

In conclusion, the above are the reasons why are women choosing to get Tijuana Gastric sleeve to avoid high medical cost in the United States when compared to other available procedures today.