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This Woman Started Losing Weight After She Stopped Making These 3 Breakfast Mistakes

Jenny Sugar had a wholesome breakfast every morning, but she still couldn’t manage to lose some weight. She followed expert advice and never skipped breakfast in order to boost the metabolism, but she couldn’t understand what she’s been doing wrong since she wasn’t losing any weight.

Then, she realized that she was making huge breakfast mistakes and once she stopped doing them, she felt those extra pounds going away.

Here are the 3 breakfast mistakes and what she has learned from them:


1. Stop eating cereals

Cereal was Jenny’s go-to breakfast. It’s delicious and sweet, but it’s the worst breakfast since it’s packed with sugar and doesn’t contain much protein or fibers. Instead of pouring a bowl, Jenny started eating more proteins, fibers and healthy fats. She even loves to start her day with healthy smoothies, or overnight oats.

2. Start listening to your body

Jenny never skipped breakfast. She ate every morning around 7:30 a.m. even though 99% of the time she wasn’t hungry. This routine only made her hungrier and by 9 a.m., she was starving. That’s how she ended up with having 2 breakfasts which is a lot of calories. She stopped following the advice to never skip breakfast and now she only eats her breakfast when she’s hungry. It’s really important to listen to your body.

3. Portion sizes

Jenny never measured anything. She ate as much cereals as she wanted, topped with vanilla soy milk, which is a lot of calories. Now, she measures everything and she makes sure that her breakfast contains no more than 400 calories.