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Weekly Horoscope 24.07 – 30.07

Aries (21.03-20.04)


Early in the week you might feel intellectually shut down by your partner. He or she might express condescending remarks about an idea you have or a decision you’ve made. As a result, you might second guess yourself or begin to feel less secure about communicating to your mate. Don’t let one or two critical remarks ruin what might otherwise be a positive relationship. If, however, you’re feeling disrespected, it’s time to say something. By Sunday you’ll set the record straight.


It is going to be the progressive week when you can foresee your wishes to get achieved. The judgments that you take will give results in your favor; and you will be able to execute the tasks easily. There will be good progress in work, and financial progress may face some limitations; you may face both gains and expenses.


There may be chances for some digestion difficulties for the week. You may need to be cautious in your food habits.

Taurus (21.04-20.05)


It’s possible that you are carrying more of the financial burdens in your relationship, and if so, you may begin to resent it. Your sweetheart might be equally frustrated, because he or she is currently lacking the opportunities needed to move ahead. Another possibility is that your partner is not as financially responsible as you are, and you’re growing tired of this dynamic. You need material security to be happy in a relationship. There’s no point denying it. If it’s lacking, so is your level of contentment.


You can make the week a happy one by your flexible approach, remain calm and be more patient. Work front may not be so encouraging as you may find communication problems with your superiors. With some arrangements, you will be able to overcome the problems. Your friends and your work colleagues think you’re irritating and are easily provoked by your attempts at being aggressive.


Health may get affected and it will be moderate, there may be chances for back pain and headache.

Gemini (21.05-20.06)


Romance might be a bust this week. No matter what you do to try and enjoy life with your mate, it appears that he or she is throwing a wet blanket over your plans. You might also feel less beautiful, valued, or appreciated early in the week. Another possibility is that your partner is going through a rough patch, leaving little opportunity for romance. If this is the case, you’ll want to be there for your sweetheart. Flowers and candlelight dinners are useless if your lover is miserable.


This week seems to be progressive in all areas, feeling cool calm and collected you manage to accomplish everything you attempt. Both professionally and individually, you commend victories, which obviously give an additional lift and increment your self-confidence.


Minor difficulties on health may be seen, headache, and stomachache may disturb.

Cancer (21.06-20.07)


You might feel overwhelmed in your relationship this week. All of the necessary tasks that require attention seem to fall on your shoulders. Whether it’s taking out the trash, picking up the dry cleaning, going food shopping, or anything else, you might begin to feel as if you’re the one doing all the work in your relationship and your lover is reaping the benefits. If this is the case, you’ll need to have an honest conversation with your sweetie ASAP. You can’t go on like this.


It will be a good week for you to be braver and determined to be successful, be more focused on your work and this will bring you results, but be careful as you may commit errors. It’s not difficult for you to take on any sort of task you’re presented with. Partners notice how much energy you have available and propose a new joint venture which you do well in together.


You may have some pain in legs and thighs. Chances for stomach also upset possible.

Leo (21.07-21.08)


Early in the week you might feel the heavy restrictions connected to your love life. Someone you are dating might have extenuating circumstances happening in his or her world that prevent the two of you from spending as much time together as you’d like. Or, it’s possible that you recognize the love affair isn’t working out as you’d hoped. If so, now is the time to cut ties and move on. You’ll have the courage to do so on Wednesday. Then, set your sights on the future.


The week will bring both gains and expenses, be comfortable and avoid taking rash decisions. You may need to be more careful in handling your work and also maintain some patience which will take you closer to success. You’re ready to state and characterize your perspective convincingly in every situation that happens.


This might be stressful week for you.

Virgo (21.08-22.09)


Family obligations could get in the way of your happiness. You might want your partner to chip in and carry more weight around the house or help you take care of a relative that needs help. This may be especially critical this week because of a career-related opportunity you want to take advantage of. When your partner doesn’t rise to the occasion, however, you’ll likely be left feeling frustrated. After Tuesday, a no-nonsense conversation might help.


You will make sincere efforts to fulfill your wishes. This will bring you results. There may be chances for worries on your part. You will be occupied with a hectic schedule in your work. Deal with your time well to adapt to the rising demands. The financial progress will be average for the week. You may need to deal with your finances well, and this is essential.


You may have cerebral pain because of stress.

Libra (23.09-22.10)


You might have far-reaching ideas about your love life and all its possibilities this week. Unfortunately, one of your siblings or even a cousin might rain on your mental parade. He or she may only be trying to bring you down to reality (from their perspective), but you’ll see them as downright dream crushers. If you need advice about your love life, don’t ask a sibling or cousin unless you’re prepared to be deflated. Better yet, keep your ideas to yourself completely. By Sunday you and your lover will be on the same page. Isn’t that what matters?


You may not find the week very encouraging. Avoid taking hasty decisions. It is essential for you to act smartly and remain calm. There would be more pressure at work. You may travel concerning your job. Energetic considerations are something to be thankful for, since you respond delicately towards those you think about most and resolve any extraordinary issues or render them insignificant.


You may have body ache due to work pressure and stress. Take out time for relaxations and involve yourself in spiritual pursuits.

Scorpio (23.10-21.11)


You might feel the crunch when it comes to finances early in the week. Your spouse or partner may be doing better than you financially, and offer to help make you whole again. While you’ll be tempted to accept his or her generous offer, a part of you is uncertain. You don’t want to feel as if you have somehow unbalanced the scale in your relationship by allowing your partner to get you out of this financial bind. If you’re this concerned about it — find another way.


You will be able to gain comforts for the week. You can make use of the week for taking some useful decisions. You will secure recognition for the work that you do. You intuitively know what is best, offer help at the right moment and find the right words to convey comfort, empathy or happiness to all. Money progress will be present for you the week, but money flow will be limited, restrict yourself to less spending.


Health will be good, keep a watch on your diet pattern and follow a systematic schedule for taking your food.

Sagittarius (22.11-21.12)


Your partner wants to keep the harmony flowing in your relationship, but this week you may feel slightly unsettled. You could feel overwhelmed with personal responsibilities, and as a result, find yourself unable to meet your sweetheart in the romance zone. Fortunately it’ll pass by Sunday, and you’ll be ready to spice things up again. If you’re single, you could meet someone unexpectedly. You might even be attracted to someone who isn’t typically your type. Be open.


You can gain success this week, just need to adopt some patience and control your emotions. There might make a trip related to your career, you can witness accomplishment out of hard endeavors. Money related assets will be limited for the week. You may need to confront more expenses, and this may trouble you, there might be chances for debate with your siblings and co-borns.


Health will be average; there are chances for digestion related problems which can give you botheration.

Capricorn (21.12-19.01)


The insecurities you’re holding inside about your love life — or lovability — might literally begin to make you sick. Consider that the origin of any illness might be unresolved fears or anxieties about a romantic situation. Are you shying away from opportunities to date, out of fear? Are you stuck in a bad relationship that makes you miserable? Are you afraid to talk to your lover about something that’s bothering you? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need to address it right away. Holding it in will only continue to make you feel unwell.


You may confront both good and bad times for the week. Including yourself in profound issues will give you alleviation and achievement. Focus more on your work and this is extremely essential for the week. You are probably going to make a few errors. More expenses will be feasible for the week.


The health of your father and mother may need attention.

Aquarius (20.01-18.02)


One of your friends might be a killjoy as you try to open your heart and feel the love with someone you’ve got a crush on. This pal might judge your relationship because in his or her eyes it’s inappropriate in some way. Perhaps there is a major age difference or one of you is still going through a divorce. Do your best to determine if your friend is truly speaking up because he or she cares, or if this pal is simply being critical. Address accordingly.


Make yourself occupied with recreation and entertainment activities in this week. You may not find much advance in work, there might be less focus in work thus you may be understanding and stay watchful at work front. Expenditure will be more for the week and could be for pointless things.


Tension and insecure sentiments may inflict significant damage your health. So it will be beneficial for you to unwind and this may keep you healthy.

Pisces (19.02-20.03)


You might become extremely turned on by someone you meet at your local gym. There’s something extra sexy to you this week about fitness, fun, and sweat. Even if you don’t meet anyone at your gym, pay attention to other people as you’re out on a bike ride, leisurely jog, or while you’re participating in any sporting event. Romance is combined with fitness or sports for you this week … and your heart is guaranteed to beat faster for more than one reason!


Planning is more essential for the week for experiencing satisfaction and progress. Stick to a positive attitude, and this will guide you. You will observe hectic schedule in completing out your work, and this may bother you. There are meager chances for success. Don’t try to take on too much, even if you feel capable of more.


Health will be moderate; there are possibilities for leg pain.