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Weekly Horoscope 16.05 – 22.05

Aries (21.03-20.04)


The start of the week shows what you’re capable of when you’re looking for romance. You’re a goal setter and you keep your eye on the prize, so you’re a force to be reckoned with when you take the time to focus on your love life. You aren’t used to feeling shy, but someone you’ve got a crush on makes you blush over the weekend. Practice what you’re going to say to this person before you actually say it.


Your social skills can put you in the spotlight early this week. Speak to strangers, make eye contact, offer a sincere compliment, and expect to shine! This is a positive week for finishing projects and doing careful research. At least make things as simple as possible. Take some time to better organize the materials you use daily. Be patient with things that require review or revision. A genuine sense of fun and positive mood will attract success.


You may need to work out your priorities when it comes to money and health. If you have an opportunity to stash money away for something that gives you a lot of pleasure, but isn’t that great for your health, maybe you should reconsider your motives. Your health is your best resource. Your money is better spent on being good to yourself.

Taurus (21.04-20.05)


How long has it been since you pampered yourself? The beginning of the week is a great time to do something for you that you wish a partner would do for you. Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you don’t deserve everything you want! You can get somewhat overly enthusiastic when you’re interested in someone new later in the week, but patience will pay off in the long run.


Challenges will help you stand up for the values you know you won’t compromise. High integrity is more important than pleasing others or quick success. Be confident even if you stumble. Avoid any temptation to manipulate your situation. Be very honest in any situation concerning money or expenses. A slow, detail-oriented approach is best. Midweek brings helpful co-workers and positive feedback from customers. This weekend is an ideal time to take a holiday.


Keep your feet on the ground where your health is concerned. You may be in danger of thinking you can accomplish more than is possible. If you’re just starting a new exercise regimen, don’t burn out unnecessarily. A vacation would be a good idea. Make time to relax deeply and pamper yourself. Look to your diet to reap extra health benefits.

Gemini (21.05-20.06)


You’re a student of love. You want to know everything there is to know about romance, seduction, and passion, but reading about it isn’t enough. Be open to new experiences in the beginning of the week, because learning by doing is the very best way to learn! If you have to convince someone to go out with you over the weekend, it probably isn’t meant to be. Let love happen naturally or not at all.


Most office romances don’t work out, but you may be thinking of someone special you see every day. Remember, this can make things complicated. While things may heat up personally, this can be a frustrating week on other levels. You could feel your wheels are spinning but you’re going nowhere. There’s simply little support for the sort of optimistic expansiveness you most enjoy. If you can’t take a holiday, be patient and do your best.


Your health and creative ability seem to be linked. The more willing you are to share your skills and talents with the world, the better you’ll feel inside. Give yourself a focus and make sure you’re grounded. It will work wonders for you. If you have a regular exercise and health routine, it will help you feel more energized.

Cancer (21.06-20.07)


Are you going to give up? Someone isn’t making it easy, but only you know for sure whether or not it’s worth the effort to keep pursuing this person. It’s possible you’ll celebrate an anniversary together someday and both look back on these days and laugh! You have a romantic hero to look up to later in the week, which helps you remember that true love really does exist. Keep believing.


A direct confrontation with someone may not work out as well as you hoped early this week. Be willing to leave people alone and do your job with as little fanfare as possible. Be patient if you’re in a frustrating or dysfunctional situation. Things will be opening up soon. Midweek brings a chance to collaborate to further your agenda. It’s better than working alone. If possible, take a break this weekend. This will improve your perspective.


Aspects now could have a profound effect upon you. If you feel tired, relax your schedule and get more rest. Don’t use fatigue as an excuse to indulge in emotional eating when buried feelings rush to the surface. Try to walk in the fresh air as a way to counteract this.

Leo (21.07-21.08)


It isn’t always easy to let yourself be emotionally vulnerable, but you’re willing to do whatever it takes to win over your crush in the first part of the week. Stick to the truth, though, because embellishing could backfire. Your dreams tell you a lot about the future of your love life over the weekend, so look up any vivid symbols you can remember from your sleeping hours. You can use all the help you can get at this point!


You may be feeling especially restless. Not everyone appreciates your innovative approach. It can be difficult to objectively assess your options, especially if you feel angry. Not admitting your feelings in a stressful situation can make things more difficult. You have to admit what’s real before you can make improvements. Use humor with difficult co-workers. Things begin to loosen up by the end of the week. You’ll be happiest working alone or in leadership roles.


Don’t let job stress get to you. You may find that the more you give in to worry and tension, the worse you feel. Current aspects could add to the emotion. You have to take a break and get yourself into relaxation mode. If you can do this, it will help to heal you.

Virgo (21.08-22.09)


You’re highly discerning, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting exactly what you want. It might narrow your chances of finding a casual date, but when you refuse to lower your standards, you’re on track to eventually finding your perfect match. There are mysteries to be solved later in the week. Any activity that involves researching unexplained phenomena is great first-date material. Raising your heart rates together could lead to passion!


This could be a confusing week. People can be irritable, projects can require you do things over, or you may simply feel lazy. Be kind and optimistic. “Are we having fun yet?” could be your motto. The middle of the week can see you feeling especially moody. Trust your intuition about people. Have the courage to draw clear boundaries. If you’re faced with a problem, don’t deny it or explain it away. Look for specific, workable solutions.


Aspects may encourage you to look at your health and evaluate how you’re doing. This period may also coincide with a pulled muscle or stiffness that keeps you from being as agile as you’d like. Use this chance to review your health routines. Get a massage to help release any tension. You’ll feel much better!

Libra (23.09-22.10)


A friendship could lead to more in the beginning of the week. Although it can feel awkward at times, changing a platonic relationship into a romantic one seems like the most natural progression in the world. You find yourself missing someone from your past at the end of the week, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should try to get in contact. If you already have closure, make your peace with it.


There’s a lot happening just under the surface of things this week. Be more physically active and open to other people’s opinions. Strongly opinionated people in positions of authority can be irritating. Just do your job. Many things that have been delayed or disappointing will begin to change. Work-based friendships can be especially important to what comes next. Talk more with people you like and trust.


This period may bring up a number of feelings associated with your job. The worst thing you could do is sit around and get even more stressed. You’ll do much better over the coming days if you’re prepared to eat well and exercise. Any frustration or resentment you feel will melt away like morning mist.

Scorpio (23.10-21.11)


Is there just one perfect person out there for you or do you have many chances when it comes to love? Examine what you really believe in and then go for it. There’s no time like the present to get what you want and deserve. You can be slightly intimidating at the end of the week, so try to soften the edges when you’re on a first date or meeting someone for the first time. Reveal your true self slowly.


Work hard to finish what you’ve already started this week. Family interests may take priority. Be very accountable if your plans change. Take time to carefully review your personal budget and any finances under your control at work. Ignore small details at your own risk. The end of the week will allow you to shine in any group setting or on projects designed to make the world more fair, harmonious, or beautiful.


It’s time to get out of a complacent state where your health is concerned and try something different. If you’ve reached a comfortable stasis, take action. Try a new workout or get involved in a sport or dance that requires skill and movement. It will renew your enthusiasm for life.

Sagittarius (22.11-21.12)


What’s inhibiting you? You have a wild side that wants to break free, but something is keeping you from expressing it in the first part of the week. Don’t let people in positions of authority make you feel like you can’t be you. What other people think should be low on your radar when you’re looking for love. Learning about a new dating app or flirting technique ups your game over the weekend. It’s on!


This week is a mixed bag of challenges and directions. Expect a slow start. You may feel either lazy or especially restless. Midweek brings friendships and pleasant contacts. If you’re looking for work, take action now. Do your best to finish all you can. Pay attention to details for the best results. This includes contemplated changes. Partnerships and efforts that bring people together are highlighted at the end of the week.


You continue to thrive. There’s a burst of energy that’s perfect for helping you get over any lingering ailments. You may be wondering how to improve your health and stay within your budget. This is the best time to reflect on your needs. The cosmos will pave the way for improvement all around.

Capricorn (21.12-19.01)


If you aren’t getting dates with people you want, it isn’t for lack of effort. You’re really putting yourself out there, and it’s only a matter of time before your hard work pays off. Be patient just a bit longer. True love is worth the wait. Scheduling more than one date for the weekend is risky, but you have a good organizational system that should help you keep track of it all.


Friends at work can be the best source of advice and support early this week. It is a great time to go out for lunch together. This is a good time to get better organized. The energy midweek can make you especially sensitive to subtle emotional currents in the workplace. You can be helpful easing any stressful situation. You may need to take a more direct approach. Have the courage to talk about anything that makes you feel uncertain or uncomfortable.


It’s time for a reality check. Compare your current health to the goals you set for yourself. You have the opportunity to align your body with your ideal image of health. As well as working out, it’s also time to work on the inside. Correct any beliefs that may be keeping you chained to unhealthy habits.

Aquarius (20.01-18.02)


Keep your friends and family on a need-to-know basis when it comes to your love life. You definitely don’t want to see your intimate business posted all over social media for all the world to see and comment on! Logic falls by the wayside as emotions take over in the latter part of the week, which could be very confusing. Is this love? Are you ready to find out?


Early this week, approach any person with whom you’re having problems for a private discussion. Talk about what you’re experiencing in a stressful situation rather than criticize or accuse someone else. The best results come from first finding common ground. It’s possible to be very distracted by a romantic flirtation. Your creative imagination is also strong. People will appreciate you. This is a great time for positive contacts and having fun at work.


This is a great time for a vacation, especially one where you do nothing but relax and have fun. You’d benefit the most from this kind of break right now. Other than that, your health looks good. You have energy for socializing and lots of opportunities to join groups with like-minded friends.

Pisces (19.02-20.03)


What are your biggest obstacles when it comes to finding love? Are they self-imposed or are there outside influences blocking your way to true happiness? Spend some time in the first part of the week figuring out what’s wrong and how to fix it. The weekend is a good time to try out a new dating app or service, but read the fine print before you sign up. Finding love shouldn’t cost a lot of money!


You may not be the flashiest person, but you’re extremely reliable. This can be one of those rather forgettable weeks, but being a good team player will build your reputation. Expect to feel calmer and more balanced by the end of this week. Do your best to see things from another person’s point of view. Being sympathetic will open the door to better problem solving. Take a break this weekend, if possible.


Exercise does more for you than make you fit. It changes you from the inside out. You’re more aware that you can overcome any lack of willpower and do what you set out to do. This encourages you to aim that much higher and be more consistent in your diet and exercise routine. Exercise chases those cobwebs away and makes you dynamic.