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Train Your Brain to Stop Worrying With These Simple Tips

Worrying is as a reminder of past experiences and a preparation for the future ones. It’s an unhealthy habit that can harm your mental health and stop your brain from focusing on important things.

Since you can’t control the future, nor even change the past, it’s time for you to start thinking positively. These tips will definitely help your brain stop worrying.

1. Write down the things you are worried about

The writing down technique is an excellent way to get a mental relief. Just put everything that troubles you on a paper. This way you won’t need to remember the details and you’ll make your brain focus on solving the problems.

According to a study published in journal Anxiety, Stress & Coping, people who worry a lot actually have a problem of chronic avoidance. In the same research were involved people who were asked to write 3 possible outcomes for the situations they worried about. Later, they analyzed their outcomes with practical solutions.

2. Meditate to relax your brain

Meditating just a few minutes a day will help you relax and keep you worry free. Meditation is an excellent way for reducing cognitive anxiety. Even though you may think you have no time to meditate closing your eyes for 30 seconds right now is a great way to start. You can help yourself and your brain by staying away from the sources of stress whenever you can.

3. Exercise regularly to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety

Worrying is a natural response of the brain to protect the body in case of danger. If you are in a life-threatening situation your brain releases adrenaline that gives the same feeling you feel while worrying.

Studies have discovered that exercising regularly is a great way to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety such as jitteriness. It also reduces the increased heart rate, the breathing that occurs while you are worried and the blood pressure, which can also increase due to stressful situations.