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How To Solve the Thyroid Problem, Activate Your Metabolism, And Lose Weight

Many people who have thyroid problem struggle with losing weight. The thyroid gland produces hormones that have a huge impact on the metabolic processes in your body. If the production of the hormones is abnormal means you have a thyroid problem, which is very uncomfortable. But, if it is properly diagnosed and treated, there wouldn’t be any problem with losing weight.


Here are some healthy tips on how to activate your metabolism and lose weight if you have a problem with the thyroid gland:

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and veggies contain phytonutrients, natural compounds that boosts the function of your immune system, also reduces inflammation. Foods like nuts, shellfish, eggs, and sunflower seeds also promotes good health and have beneficial effects on your metabolism too.

Eat More Iodine Rich Foods

Marine fish, pineapples, seaweed, and iodized sea salt are rich in iodine, a trace mineral essential for the production of thyroid hormone. The body doesn’t make iodine by itself, so it is very important to make it part of your diet. Spinach and lettuce also contain iodine.

Reduce Stress And Avoid Gluten

Stress hormones can have a profound impact on your autoimmune activity and an increasing amount of gluten has a negative effect on thyroid health. Many people are sensitive or intolerant to gluten, and that is why so important to reduce the intake of wheat, barley, and rye products that contain this hard protein.

Take Vitamins

Make sure to take a high quality multivitamin with Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Vitamin D and B vitamins.

Lastly, avoid: Caffeine, sugar, processed foods, preservatives and most important get fluoride, bromide and chlorine out of your diet and environment.