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She Gained 100 Pounds in 2 Years Without Knowing Why-The Reason Was Fatal

In the course of 2 years, Lizzie Denison-Ward gained 100 pounds despite the fact that she ate only 1000 calories per day. The reason behind her weight gain was a tumor that caused hormonal imbalance and slowed down her metabolism.


This 20-year old girl from the UK couldn’t figure out why she was constantly gaining weight since she always paid attention to her diet and she counted her calorie intake. She only ate 1000 calories per day but she still managed to gain 100 pounds. She became desperate and started seeing doctors to figure out what her problem was. Doctors only advised her to eat healthier and to speed up her metabolism. Lizzie felt that there was something else going on…


She started researching her symptoms online and she paid for a MRI that cost her 17.000 dollars. The results from the MRI were shocking. The MRI showed that she had a tumor pressing her pituitary gland which caused her metabolism to slow down and hormonal imbalance. That led her to gaining all that weight.


The tumor was only 4mm. And she recently got it removed. The moment she got her tumor removed, she started losing weight. Doctors said if she didn’t research her symptoms, the consequences could have been fatal.

“I knew that I was eating healthily, but the weight kept piling on and I felt exhausted all the time. I was terrified when I found out a brain tumor was causing it – it felt like a ticking time-bomb. Now that the tumor has finally been removed I am free to rebuild my life. The tumor took over my whole body and now I can finally go back to living like a normal student,” says Lizzie.