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Put a Stop to Unnecessary Sweating

Let’s have an honest conversation about sweat.

  • It makes you stink
  • It makes you uncomfortable
  • It ruins your clothes
  • It wrecks your sheets
  • It robs you of sleep
  • And it makes you unpleasant to be around

It is even worse if you’re a kid in school because it adds a dimension of social persecution, alienation, and self-doubt. There is a feeling of hopelessness when you are struggling with a part of your anatomy that you can’t even see. There are things you can do about an unsightly mole. But you can’t just hide away your sweat glands with a fashionable scarf.

Those who suffer from this problem are also under the impression that they have tried everything. After so many dashed hopes, they start to feel like the only treatments out there are old wive’s tales and outright scams. That can be rather disheartening. It also makes it less likely that they would recognize a genuine treatment if one was available.

However, despair is not the answer. Rather than curling up into a sweaty ball and crying yourself a salty river, consider the following:

You Really Haven’t Tried Everything

Just because you have tried all the off-the-shelf canisters does not mean you have tried clinical-strength antiperspirant. You have a clinically problematic condition with real Latin words for a name. So don’t be surprised that clinical-strength solutions are available.

One national brand used to claim that it was so strong, you could skip a day. Compare that to 8 towelettes lasting for as much as 2 months. This is science, not magic. Everyone is different. So results could vary. But you should know that there is a different class of product that you likely have not tried. That knowledge should give you quite a bit more hope.

Indirect Solutions

The direct attack is to try and combat the sweat at the source. That is what antiperspirants are for. But another way to fight is by more indirect means. Rather than changing your pores, try changing your pillow.

There are a lot of factors that can go into night sweats. It could just be a matter of body chemistry. It could also be a specific medical condition. Speaking of medical, have you checked your medications for side-effects lately? How about drug interactions. All of these things can contribute to excessive sweating at night.

There is the matter of your environment. Humid nights are going to take a tole. There is also a matter of what you wear to bed. Peeling everything off may not be the answer. Wearing the right night garment may be just as effective as wearing the right undershirt during the day.

There is also the matter of your bed sheets. Some bed sheets are fit for those prone to night sweats while others are going to insulate a person and promote perspiration. You also have to consider the bed. Those 12 inches of unbreathable memory foam might not being doing you any favors.

Don’t worry, there are ways of keeping the memory foam and still getting a dry night’s sleep. Just be mindful of what you dress in, and what you put between you and your mattress. Indirect solutions about. It is very likely that at least one of them is right for you.

Accepting Yourself for Who You Are

Many of the people who are hardest on themselves are the most forgiving and accepting when it comes to other people. Are you the type of person who would judge or ridicule a fellow coworker for pit stains? Would you harshly judge a person because they have to change blouses once or twice a day? Would you make fun of them because they had to keep various deodorants and cleansers at their desk? Of course not!

So why do you assume that everyone is pointing at you and talking about you behind your back? Why do you treat yourself worse than anyone you know would treat you? At some level, you have to accept the skin you’re in.

If all your prior efforts to fight sweat have ended up all wet, remember that you haven’t tried everything. There are indirect methods that can provide some relief. And at the end of the day, you can ultimately beat it by accepting your humanity and loving yourself the way you love others.