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Natural Ways to Combat Brain Fog at the Office

Have you ever had the feeling right in in the middle of doing something really important at work that you can’t concentrate on anything for more than a minute and can’t seem to make a shred of progress? Turns out there’s a name for this culprit. Brain fog, also known as mental fog or brain fatigue, is an extremely common condition that strikes many people – students, entrepreneurs, and parents. So the next time you feel like you absolutely cannot concentrate on the task at hand or remember significant details of a project, you might be a victim of this incredibly challenging mental condition.

When brain fog occurs more and more frequently and without warning, it can seriously impact your daily work and stress levels. Several factors give rise to repeated brain fog attacks including unhealthy lifestyles. Clinically, brain fog symptoms include poor attention to detail, memory dysfunction, an inability to focus, irritability, and even anxiety and depression. Instead of relying on prescription medication, brain fog can be minimized and controlled in a number of natural ways. Here are five changes you can make to relieve your mind and body from brain fog.

Eat a healthy diet

Inadequate nutrition seriously impairs bodily functions and reduces overall energy levels. When your body is getting junk instead of nutritious, healthy food and drink, you will encounter more and more episodes of brain fog. Refined sugar is especially bad for brain fog and can cause your blood sugar to crash just minutes after a sugary food or drink. It’s imperative that you have three satisfying meals per day that do not include fattening, junk foods. If you do need to snack, consider an office snack delivery service to supply the workplace with healthy snacks. 

Avoid excessive stressors

Stress is extremely detrimental to mental and physical health, so avoid it when you can. This includes constant use of social media and a lack of mind-fulfilling exercises like meditation and yoga. Stress is a big part of unhealthy modern living and are notorious for causing frequent brain fog symptoms.

Consistent sleep

Eight hours of high quality sleep is indispensable for all, irrespective of the kind of lifestyle you lead. It’s important that you spend eight hours in bed every night where you’re not tossing and turning. Lack of sleep can greatly reduce mental vigour and vitality and give rise to brain fogging more often.

Keep your mind engaged

When you put your brain to intense labour at the office, it’s equally important to give it some free time at least once a day to unwind and rid itself of all the strain. Engage your mind by doing something you like and are interested in, or by simply taking some time off to relax and breathe easy.

Additional supplements

Supplements are a great solution to clear brain fog and bring back mental clarity. Most effective brain supplements like nootropics contain antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for your body and mind and will show instant results in improving your focus. Natural brain supplements provide the essential nutrients that may be missing in your everyday diet that are required to heal and revitalize the mind. Make sure you perform thorough research and take the opinion of an expert before you choose a supplement for daily consumption.