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Natural Remedy for Curing Bladder and Urinary Tract Infections

Anyone who has ever suffered from urinary tract infection, know how painful that can be. Instead of running to the drug store, you can try to cure your infection the natural way.

We’re giving you the recipe of the best natural antibiotic that ease your pain and cure your bladder and urinary tract infection.


How to Prepare the Natural Remedy: 


  • 9 oz. parsley root
  • 9 oz. lemon crust
  • 9 oz. honey
  • 7 fl oz. olive oil


Chop the parsley root and lemon crust. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Keep the mixture in the fridge and take 1 tbsp. per day.

Some Extra Tips on Curing Your Bladder Infection

1. Drink lots of water

Water is really important about maintaining a healthy bladder because it will help you ‘wash off’ the bacteria. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

2. Drink parsley tea

Parsley works as a diuretic and it will definitely help you heal. Mix 2 tbsp. dry parsley and some water to prepare a tea.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber is rich in water and it’s the ideal veggie for cleansing your bladder.

4. Cranberry juice

Cranberry is amazing for curing urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice will help you fight E. Coli. Drink 2 cups of cranberry juice per day for prevention.

5. Additional Advice

Avoid consuming chocolate, caffeine and citrus fruits. They can cause irritation to your bladder walls and help the bacteria. Citrus fruits can make urinating more painful.