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How Mothers Can Squeeze In More Quality Time With Their Kids

In today’s hectic world if you are a single, working mother you already know just how hard it is to find any extra time to do anything. In fact, it probably seems like when you get off work your kids are already ready for bed, and you are probably just tired enough to hit the hay yourself. With that being said, you should know that the time that you spend with your kids could shape them and their minds. This is why it is imperative to make sure that you are taking the time to spend as much quality mother time with your kids as possible. So, how do you go about doing this when you are so busy?


Below, you will learn some tips and information that will help you squeeze in some quality time with your kids while maintaining your hectic schedule.

Quality Walks Before Bedtime

If you have several younger children in the house, you probably also know just how chaotic bedtime can be. It seems like younger children never want to just lie down and go to sleep. With that being said, you can actually use this to your advantage. After you already have your kids bathed and dressed in their pajamas, you can take them for an evening stroll. This will not only allow your kids to decompress and gain their composure, but it will give you a few extra hours of quality time that would have otherwise been lost to the TV. By the time you take a few laps and arrive back at home your children will already be prepped and ready for bed.

Create A Meal With A Theme

With child support money coming in, you truly have a variety of different options when it comes to dinnertime. There is truly something special about sitting down at home and eating dinner together. With that being said, not all children are eager to sit down at the table these days and spend this quality time with their mother. However, if you make dinner fun and exciting by hosting a themed dinner your kids will be more eager to partake in the experience. For instance, if you host a taco night, pizza night, or even a cheese night, your kids will probably be more excited about the food and the environment.

In addition to this, you can enlist the help of your children in preparing the event. Not only will this make things so much easier for you, but it will give you extra quality hours to enjoy with your children.

Learn To Play Video Games

Kids these days are all about their video games. In fact, most children will spend hours in front of the gaming system just going to town. If you take the time to learn a little bit more about these games and how to play them, you can interact with your children in this way. This will give you a new perspective on your kid’s world and the type of things that he or she is into. That being said, make sure you are practicing beforehand, because kids are extremely good at their video games.