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Lower Back Exercises With Ball

Back exercises with stability ball are a great way to improve your strength and balance. Stability balls can also reduce muscle and spinal strain. If you’re struggling with lower back pain, that immediately buy your ball and start doing exercise that will relieve your pain and also make your back muscles stronger. Stability balls are amazing for your back because they gently increase your range of motion and don’t compress your spine.

Here are some lower back exercises with ball that will help you strengthen your lower back. These exercises are so amazing and the best thing is you can do them in your own home. Wearing right athletic shoes can increase the benefits of exercising.

Wall Squat


Stand 1 m. from your wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and the back to the wall. Put the stability ball between your lower back and the wall and squat down until your knees are bent. You have to use the ball for supporting your back as it goes from your lower back to your shoulder blades. Slowly stand up and do 10 repetitions.

Standing Ball Squeeze


Stand straight and put the ball between your knees. Squat down while squeezing the ball. Hold this position as long as you can. Try to hold it for at least 30 seconds. Choose a smaller ball for this exercise and if you need some extra balance you can also use a chair.

Back Extensions


Lay down over the ball, placing the ball right beneath your hips. Keep your legs straight and toes firmly on the ground. Put your hands behind your ears or on your chest. Bring your torso upward as high as possible. Hold for 1-3 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Do 25 repetitions.

Kneeling Rollout


Kneel before your ball and place your arms on it. Start walking your hands on the ball while moving the ball and your arms away from your body. Bring your torso forward as the ball rolls away. Keep moving until your chest drops down and always keep your spine in a neutral position. Hold the furthest position for a couple seconds and then roll back to starting position. Do 12 repetitions.

Check out more: Back Muscle Exercises at Home