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Lose 2 Pounds in Just 1 Day: The Only Diet You Can Hold On Non-Stop

There are many diets and regimes but most of them aren’t recommended for a longer period of time. The down side to these diets is that they have the yo-yo effect, the moment you stop with the diet the pounds return.

We’re giving you a new diet that can be practiced without interruption. We’re talking about the New Moon Diet that has the most influence when the moon young. Not only the diet is effective, but it’s also excellent in terms of psychological aspect.

At the beginning, it can be a bit difficult, but once you get used to, you’ll have no problem following it since it will give you great results that will motivate you to go further.

How To Use The New Moon Diet?


Find out which is the day of the new moon.

First Week

On the first day of the new moon, you’re not supposed to eat anything. Only water and tea without sugar is allowed. If you can’t stand it, drink a cup of natural, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice. If you don’t consume any solid foods on this day, when there’s a new moon, you’ll lose 2 pounds. To keep the weight off and continue losing start with regular exercise and sensible eating habits during the rest of the month (low fat, low sugar, plenty of water).

Please note that fasting for more than 24 hours is not a recommended, and won’t help you lose weight. Instead, you will lose water and muscle more than fat, and the pounds will return.

That’s why is so important to start eating the next day, but eat only light foods. Cut off pasta and bread. From carbs you can eat integral rice and from meat you can eat beef. Consume lots of veggies. In the evenings eat salad.

Second Week

Continue with the regime as the first week. Add butter, crackers, eggs and a slice of cheese for breakfast. Make sure your breakfast is strong.

Third Week

This week starts when the moon is full. Stick with the regime and add some meat for dinner.

Fourth Week 

By week 4, you can eat anything. Be careful with the sugar since your body will get used to less sugar. Eat in moderation.

When the young moon comes again, start the diet form the beginning.

Please note this diet is not recommended for women who are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding a baby.