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Liquid Chlorophyll- Only One Glass a Day Of This Miraculous Drink Will Make You Healthier

Scientists claim that water from chlorophyll is the newest miraculous beverage that has taken over the celebrity world.

Chlorophyll is the dark green pigment found in algae and plants. This green pigment is really important since it’s directly included in the process of photosynthesis. Scientists claim that it has the same molecular structure as hemoglobin, which transfers the oxygen in the human body, therefore consuming chlorophyll can improve the oxygen transmission in your body and as a result you will be more energetic and have better health.


Chlorophyll is a powerful antioxidant. It’s rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, magnesium, proteins and calcium. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and it may protect you from getting cancer.

How to use?

Take 1-2 capsules of chlorophyll two or three times daily or put 1-2 teaspoons of liquid chlorophyll in a large glass of water or juice and drink as often as desired. For a quick energy drink, you can also add vitamin C ascorbates (powdered vitamin C) with liquid chlorophyll in a glass of water.

Chlorophyll can be found in green leafy vegetables, that’s why it is important to include these foods in your diet.