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Is Alzheimer’s Contagious? The New Research That Shocked The World

Everyone thought that Alzheimer’s disease isn’t contagious but science has new evidence showing the opposite. One particular research published in “Nature” magazine shows that Alzheimer’s can be contagious.

Although the theory is quite controversial, the British department of health published an article where they disprove this theory.


Between the years 1958-1985, around 30.000 people around the world got injected with a human growth hormone, which doctors obtained from dead people brains. In 1985 was discovered that a small percentage of those people got Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of cow’s disease. Once this information got out, patients started receiving only synthetic growth hormone.

A new research examined the brains of 8 people who died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease after receiving the growth hormone. Scientists discovered the presence of the protein amyloid beta which is a sign of Alzheimer’s.

According to the scientists behind the research, the Amyloid beta can transferred through medical procedures such as brain surgery. Other scientists are more skeptical because Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease creates amyloids. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have tau proteins, which weren’t found in the examined brains.

Although the scientists behind this theory and research explain that Alzheimer’s can be transferred through surgical instruments, reality is there are no firm evidence supporting this theory.

The British Department of Health claims that there’s no way to get Alzheimer’s by blood transfusion and there is no evidence that Alzheimer’s is contagious.