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Glazed Jewelry Care: Do’s and Don’ts of Jewelry Maintenance

Glazed jewelry care revolves around regular cleaning and very gentle handling. Glazed pieces are very delicate and beautiful, so you have to be extra careful to prevent any scratches and other damage. Bear in mind that caring for this kind of jewelry is not only about yearly maintenance. To keep it looking its best for years to come you need to follow some rules when wearing it as well as tending to it properly right after you take off the pieces.

Glazed Jewelry Care Tips: What You Can and Cannot Do
DO: Wear the pieces with care

Glazed jewelry is something you should enjoy on special occasions and not wear all the time. Of course, every day might be a special occasion for it. The point is to take it off when you go to sleep or shower. It’s also best to avoid wearing it when you set out on an active outdoor adventure, like a hike or beach trip.

Always take off your glazed jewelry when you bathe or go swimming in a pool. The chemicals in pool water are corrosive and can damage the glaze and even precious metals used in the piece. While the metal can be cleaned and polished, damage to the glaze might ruin the piece.

DO: Clean your glazed jewelry often

Original jewelry, like the items available from Eternity Rose UK’s division that combine a variety of materials should be cleaned at least once every season. You should also wipe the piece with a soft cloth every time after wearing it. This will remove dust, sweat, and other residues that might make the glaze dull.

Clean your glazed jewelry in warm water with a bit of mild soap. If necessary, use a brush to remove patina in the creases of the piece. However, use one with very soft bristles to prevent scratches.

Bear in mind that sometimes gold glaze can wash off or develop patina due to the water pH and chlorine. Use distilled water to reduce risks.

DO: Store glazed jewelry in a specialized case

The most important of all glazed jewelry care tips is to provide the pieces with the best environment for storage. A sealed jewelry case lined with soft cloth is the best option. Banning that, use a box that closes securely to minimize oxidation.

Keep your jewelry box somewhere dry. The container will protect the pieces, so its exposure to sunlight doesn’t matter, unless you care about the appearance of the case itself.

DO NOT: Workout wearing glazed jewelry

If there’s any sweating in your future, leave glazed pieces at home. You can also leave them in a small case in your locker in case you are determined to look stunning after your gym session.

When wearing glazed pieces in the summer, clean them off with a cloth every day. Sweat is corrosive, so do your best to limit the damage. It will be best to only wear these pieces for a few hours, instead of an entire day.

DO NOT: Try to repair glazed pieces on your own

If a glazed jewelry piece gets damaged, have a professional fix it as soon as possible. Even if the issue is minor and doesn’t affect the glazed area in particular, there’s a risk of accidentally scratching it when you try to fix the problem.

Send the piece back to the manufacturer for the highest quality repair as they should know the most efficient ways to handle their products. Note that many jewelers provide warranties that will become invalid if the piece is handled by anyone but them.

DO NOT: Use jewelry cleaning solutions on glazed pieces

These products might be too harsh for the material, so you should avoid them to reduce the risks. Consider consulting the seller on the best cleaning methods as they might have specialized solutions for their type of glaze.