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Get Rid of Your Eye Bags With This Tomato and Lemon Homemade Treatment

We sure envy those people who don’t struggle with having eye bags. If you’re one of those unfortunate ones who have to “wear” their eye bags every day, then you should definitely try this incredible homemade treatment.Get-Rid-of-Your-Eye-Bags-With-This-Tomato-and-Lemon-Homemade-Treatment-1

It’s truly an effective natural recipe that will help you erase those annoying, dark eye bags.

The first thing you need to do is drink lots of water and start sleeping on your back.

Here’s the recipe for the tomato and lemon treatment:

You’re going to need ½ lemon and 1 slice of tomato. Drain the lemon and the tomato and mix the liquids. Once you get the juice mixed, use a cotton ball to apply it. Don’t forget that your face needs to be cleaned before you start applying it. Dip the cotton ball into the lemon and tomato juice and gently apply the liquid under your eyes with one move. Leave the juice on for 15 minutes, wash your face and apply moisturizer.

Lemon is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants and tomato is extremely rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, A and antioxidants.