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How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids – Best Tips and Advice

Hemorrhoids are one of the health problems that can really bother you because it is really painful. However, what you need to know is that it is easy to treat. If you are suffering from this condition, here are a few tips on how to get rid of hemorrhoids.

Tip #1 – Avoid constipation

The major cause of hemorrhoids is constipation so better avoid it as much as you can. The solution is to have a high fiber diet. If you are able to maintain a diet that is high in fiber, you will be able to eliminate your body waste regularly and avoid constipation.

The best way to keep a high fiber diet is to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals. Fruits that are high in fiber include oranges, apples, bananas, pears, avocado, berries and kiwi. Vegetables that are high in fiber include eggplant, beans, mushrooms, rhubarb, sweet potatoes, carrot, peas and cabbage.

Also, remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as it helps in digestion and avoid constipation. This will also eliminate the bad toxins in your body to help avoid other health problems. High fiber diet will help decrease hemorrhoid break out and can eliminate them totally.

Tip #2 – Over the counter topical creams or ointments

Another good solution on how to get rid of hemorrhoids is to use over the counter topical creams for hemorrhoids. These creams are available on all drug stores and they will help ease the pain that hemorrhoids give.

These creams or ointments will also be able to relieve itching and burning on the area. However, these are not advisable for long term use. So, if this doesn’t work, you may need to consult a doctor for other medications that can get rid of the hemorrhoids totally.

Additionally, you can find best essential oils for hemorrhoids in oiling point.

Tip #3 – Sitz bath

A Sitz bath is basically small hot tub that you can use to relieve hemorrhoids pain without taking a full bath. You will need to soak your rectal area in the sitz bath with hot water for about 15 or 20 minutes, depending on the severity for 3 to 4 times a day.

This will relieve the pain and itchiness and can also aid in shrinkage of the hemorrhoid. This is one of the treatments that your doctor would prescribe you.

Tip #4 – Surgery

Last but not the least, the best action that can remove hemorrhoids is of course surgery. If you feel like your condition is only getting worse whatever home treatments you try, it’s best to have it removed with a surgery. Do not be scared, it is just a minor surgery and it would not take too long to heal as well.

You will know that you need to have the hemorrhoids removed surgically when the pain is unbearable and you start noticing that it’s getting bigger and bigger. When the pain starts hindering your daily tasks then it is getting out of hand and there’s no other treatment but a surgery.


These are the things that you can do if you are suffering from hemorrhoids. If you think simple treatments don’t work and you want to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids then there is no better way than to consult your doctor.