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Get Your Body Into Shape With the 15-Day Plank Challenge

The plank is one of the best exercises for core toning and strengthening, but it also works your hamstrings and glutes, supports proper posture, and improves your balance.

The basic plank is an effective way for core conditioning, but if you’re stuck doing only this move, you won’t be able to get all the benefits from this exercise. That’s why we have created the 15-day plank challenge that’ll put you through your planking steps. It’s starts with basic plank variations and ends with some advanced moves.

Here is The 15-Day Plank Challenge:

How to Perform The Planks:

Day #1: Plank on Forearms

Get into a forearm plank position. Put your elbows underneath your shoulders, while your feet are hip-width apart. Your body should be in a straight line from your heels to the top of your head. Tighten your abs and hold for 5 seconds, rest for 5 seconds, hold for 10 seconds, rest for 5 seconds and continue, adding five seconds to your holds until you perform 30 seconds in total.

Day #2: Static Plank

Get into plank position. Put your hands beneath your shoulders. While you’re holding the plank, tighten your core and don’t forget to squeeze your hamstrings and glutes.  Do ten 30-second holds, rest for a few seconds between each hold.

Day #3: One Arm Off Plank

Get into a static plank position. Lift and extend your left hand off the floor. Hold for 2 seconds, then put your hand back on the floor. Repeat with your right arm. Do 10 reps on each side.

Day #4: One Leg Off Plank

Get into a static plank position. Lift your left leg off the floor until your foot is as high as your shoulders. While lifting, make sure to squeeze your lower abs. Hold for 2 seconds, then bring your leg back to the floor and repeat with your right leg. Do 10 reps on each side.

Day #5: Arm and Leg Off Plank

Start in a static plank position. Lift and extend your right arm off the floor, while you lift and extend your left leg out behind you. Keep your back flat. Hold and balance for 2 seconds, then bring your arm and leg back to the floor and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Do 10 reps on each side.

Day #6: Knee to Chest Kick-Out Plank

Start in a static plank position. Lift your left foot off the floor, while bringing your left knee toward your chest. Then, kick your left leg out behind you, until your foot is slightly higher than your shoulders. Bring your foot back to the floor and repeat. Do 10 reps on each side.

Day #7: Cross Knee to Wrist Plank

Start in a static plank position. Lift your right foot off the floor, extend your leg back and slightly out to the side, then bring your right knee towards your left wrist. Extend your right leg back and out to the side and repeat. Do 10 reps on each side.

Day #8: Plank to Push-Up

Start in a static plank position. Lower your body down to the floor. As you bend your elbows, try to keep them close to your body instead of out to the side. Push back and repeat. Do 20 reps.

Day #9: Plank with Gliding Disk Slide

Start in a static plank position. Put a gliding disk beneath your right foot. Keep your leg straight and glide your foot out to the side and up toward your shoulder. Keep your body stationary, moving only your right leg. Repeat with your left leg. Do 20 reps on each side.

Day #10: Bear Crawl Plank

Start in a static plank position. Put your right arm forward by about a foot as you bend your left knee and bring your left leg in to meet your left arm. Return your right arm and left leg to starting position and repeat with your left arm and right leg. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps.

Day #11: Military Plank

Start in a static plank position. Start lowering your body down into a forearm plank by replacing your right hand with your right forearm, then your left hand with your left forearm.  Push back and replace your right forearm with your right hand, then your left forearm with your left hand. Do 20 reps.

Day #12: Side Plank

Start by sitting on the floor on your right hip. Line your right wrist up underneath your right shoulder, kick both feet out so they’re stacked on top of each other. Lift your hips and keep your body straight. Extend your left arm toward the ceiling. Perform five 10-second holds on each side.

Day #13: Side Plank with Leg Off

Start with a side plank position. Lift your left leg up toward the ceiling. Keep it straight and try to get it as high as your right shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower your leg and repeat. Perform five 5-second holds on each side.

Day #14: Side Plank Twist

Start with a side plank position. Put your left arm underneath your body, while slightly twisting your torso. Reach your left arm back up toward the ceiling and repeat. Perform five reps on each side.

Day #15: Side Plank Oblique Crunch on One Leg

Start with a side plank position. Lift your left arm and left leg up, extending your arm overhead so it forms a straight line with your right leg. Bring your left knee towards your waist in an oblique crunch and bring your left elbow to meet your left knee. Extend your left arm and leg back out, lower your left leg so it’s on top of your right leg and repeat. Perform 5 reps on each side.

4 Minutes – 28 Days Challenge: Melts Fat and Tones Your Muscles