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Does Gardening With Your Child Encourage Healthy Eating Habits?

Dangerous and scary diseases like diabetes can hit a child and have lifelong effects because of childhood obesity. It is very important to teach your kids healthy eating habits from a young age. This would make sure that your kids live long happy and healthy life. As a parent do you think it is very hard to do so? No, not at all. A very few small tricks and tips from writingcheap.com writers can help your child know the benefits of eating healthy food.

Reading is a good habit and has to be a routine habit in every individual’s life.

1. Be a role model

Children learn what they see. And for them to learn to eat healthily, it is very important that you eat healthily. It can be a little tough but not impossible.

2. Teach the children healthy eating by encouraging gardening

Obesity is touching the alarming levels to adolescent and children around the globe accompanied by many critical physical disorders like hypertension, cardiovascular diseases etc. It is very important for us to teach our children the importance of a balanced diet healthy eating and active lifestyle. Studies show that if the children grow their food they tend to eat them more. That is why we should encourage our children to start gardening. If they grow some vegetable or fruit from sowing the seed to reaping it would give them a sense of accomplishment and their liking for that particular food would increase psychologically and be there with them for a lifetime.

Schools today should have a growing yard where the children are encouraged to grow vegetable and fruits as an activity. The merits and marks they on for this activity would be an incentive for them to work harder and their passion for gardening would automatically increase. There are other physical benefits that a child gets. Gardening would compel the children to spend time outdoors which would also have a positive effect on their mental health. If an overweight child takes to gardening is likely to lose weight very fast as he is physically active as well as eating healthy. Healthy food is the key to the development of the brain and the body.

Gardening is one easy method to get the kids eat fruits and vegetables. When they grow their own beans and carrots a sense of pride and the feeling that they have created it encourages them to eat the same. In this way, they also learn the importance of healthy eating. Apart from strawberries and blueberries, if they are growing it, the kids would even learn to eat broccoli. Indoor gardening such as growing mushrooms from grow kits is also a good alternative especially when the weather is not good. Grow kits are easy to use and do not require much maintenance and expertise which makes them good for children.

3. Cook what you grow

It becomes very interesting and experimenting for the kids if they are asked to cook what they have grown. It could be a fun loving activity for the children at home as well as in school Guardians need to encourage the children for such activities. This would help them to also learn healthy cooking.

About Author:

Ruchi Gupta: A blogger by choice, nutritionist by profession states that healthy eating habits if inculcated in a child from the early years would make the child physically and mentally strong. We could go on with an endless list of the benefits of healthy eating. It brings about and overall physical and mental development in the child apart from teaching the child healthy eating.