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Freckles: Why Do They Appear and How to Reduce Their Visibility

Freckles are one of the most wanted characteristic in the fashion industry these days simply because they’re charming and unique. Many famous fashion houses want to avoid the “artificial effect” an effortless skin have and hire models that have cute freckles. Many women hate their unique marks and look for ways to get rid of them.


What are freckles and why do they come out in the sun?

Sun freckles or Ephelides are oval hyperpigmented skin formations. They’re more visible on people with fair complexion.

The appearance of sun freckles is caused by UV radiation. UV rays speed up the formation of melanin (the pigment that determines your skin color) and melanocyte (the cells that produce melanin). Freckles do not have an increased number of melanocytes, they have cells that overproduce melanin. Sun freckles mainly appear on area that are most exposed to the sun: face, neck, cleavage, shoulders.

Can freckles become cancerous?

Luckily, freckles aren’t malignant. On the other hand, people that have fair complexion and are sensitive to sun rays are at bigger risk of getting skin cancer. Doctors strongly recommend using sun protection creams especially if you have fair skin.

How to prevent the appearance of freckles?

Freckles mainly appear during childhood and they’re genetically determined. We strongly advise you to start UV prevention as soon as possible.

  • Always apply sun protection cream SPF 50 before going out.
  • Wear hats.
  • Avoid going out in the sun.
Medical Treatments for Sun Freckles

Unfortunately, if you have freckles, you’re stuck with them all your life. There are some medical treatments that can reduce their visibility:

  • Retinoids
    They’re chemical compounds that are forms of vitamin A. Retinoid treatments can reduce freckles visibility.
  • Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen
    Liquid nitrogen can also reduce freckles visibility. This therapy is also known as “cold trauma” and it works because melanocytes are sensitive to cold.
  • Laser therapy
    Laser therapy will help you do selective melanocytes destruction that makes the freckles less visible. This procedure gives the best results without any side effects.
  • Products that contain hydroquinone
    Products that contain hydroquinone will reduce the visibility of your freckles. If you choose to try this method, don’t go out in sun once you apply the product and use SPF.
Natural Treatments for Sun Freckles


Natural treatments will give you amazing results. Before spending tons of money on medical treatments, try some of these all natural treatments:

1. Lemon Juice

Acids found in lemon will help you make your freckles less visible.

– Squeeze one lemon and apply the juice directly on the area you want to treat. Leave the lemon juice on for 15 minutes and then wash the area. Do this treatment once a day.

– Mix 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. honey and some salt. Apply the mixture on the area you want to treat and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Do the treatments twice a week.

2. Honey

– Mix 1 tbsp. honey with some water and mix until the ingredients are combined. Apply the mixture on the area you want to treat and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Wash the area with some warm water. Do this treatment once a day.

– Mix 1 tbsp. and 1-2 tbsp. yogurt. Apply the mixture on the area you want to treat and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

3. Yogurt

Apply some yogurt directly on the area that you want to treat and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse and apply some moisturizing cream afterwards.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is great for revitalizing your skin. Cucumber contains vitamin E and omega-3 acids that help you prevent redness and make your skin soft and gorgeous.

– Shred ½ cucumber and apply it on the area you want to treat. Leave it on for 15 minutes.

– Apply cucumber juice directly on the area you want to treat.

5. Banana and Peppermint

Bananas contain salicylic acid that remove dead skin cells and peppermint is rich in antioxidants. Put one banana and a few peppermint leaves in a blender. Blend until smooth. Apply the mixture on the area you want to treat and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with some warm water. Do this treatment twice a week.