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Foods Your Cat Must Eat To Remain Healthy

Have you been searching for healthy food for your cat? Luckily, you don’t have to search much further than the pantry at home for cat-safe foods to give your pet. Most if not all the foods featured in this primer are easily available in most pet food stores. The following are the top expert recommended, feline-friendly human meals you should give your cat:


Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. It can be a tasty and delicious treat for your pet. Often, you can purchase it at commercial cat food stores. While it is healthy to give your cat certain raw cat foods, it’s important to ensure that you strictly give him or her cooked salmon.


Bananas are high in soluble fiber and potassium. You can rest assured that your cat eating banana is safe.

Important note: Make sure that a number of bananas you give your pet is not over 10% of his or her daily calorie intake.


Spinach is full of minerals and vitamins including calcium, iron and vitamins K, C and A. this vegetable can turn out to be such cat-friendly and healthy treat. Nonetheless, if your pet has a history of bladder stones related to calcium oxalate, it’s highly prudent to avoid giving him or her spinach.

Fish Oils

While most pet parents have a tendency of getting away with dog people food often compared to cats, fish oil is one thing that can certainly benefit both species. With an array of options consisting of cod liver oil, salmon etc, the omega 3s contained in fish oil can go miles in preventing dry skin during winter as well as keeping the coat of your pet healthy in the whole year.


Eggs are an excellent source of B vitamins and protein. You can buy them in most cat food stores. For you to reduce the risk of meal born diseases, ensure you cook the eggs properly before feeding them to your cat.


Since cats are obligate carnivores, they are into meals that contain mostly meat. This is unlike dogs, which are omnivores, which can live off of an array of foods. Their bodies are not able to digest fibrous foods as effortlessly as dogs. In fact, they do not always prefer the different foods, which dogs do. The good thing is that any type of meat, such as chicken, is safe up their alley.

A great source of lean protein, this meal can turn out to be an excellent choice for your pet. You must ensure that you cook it thoroughly before giving it to your cat.

Additionally, it must be removed prior to feeding it to him or her. You can always purchase chicken easily in commercial cat foods.


Oatmeal is a great source of B vitamins and energy for your cat. This is another food, just like many in this list, which can easily be found at any commercial food store. Nonetheless, while oatmeal can be safe for your pet, it is paramount to note that not all cats can like it. Therefore, it is highly important to introduce the foods gradually and ensure that he or she is into the meal before incorporating them to his or her frequent food schedule.


Does your cat show interest in cheese? If yes, most experts recommend that you feed him or her the hard type of cheese such as Gouda, Swiss or cheddar. These kinds contain high protein and calcium levels. The best attribute about them is the fact that you can effortlessly bake them into treats and feed to your cat while raw but in small amounts.


Apples are rich in vitamin C and fiber. According to pet experts, it is safe to feed them to your pet as long as you remove the skin. Just like when feeding your dog’s people’s food, it is highly important to keep off any kind of seasonings whenever you want to give your pet food.


Feeding your cat with the right kinds of foods is extremely healthy. You’ll be able to ensure that he or she remains in great health throughout.