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Do Diabetes And Other Diseases Have A Common Cause

Inflammation is a natural occurrence taking place in the body. But when it goes on for too long, it can trigger different types of disease processes like cancer, stroke, diabetes, depression and even the Alzheimer’s Disease.

And if you are experiencing chronic inflammation and its complications, what you eat can trigger it even further down the line. Aside from excess weight, heart conditions and insulin issues, below are the foods that trigger your chronic inflammation to fire up.


For many diabetic patients, they understand the grave danger of sugar intake. It is indeed difficult to resist decadent desserts, pastries, chocolates, sodas and even fruit juices. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition warns that processed sugars trigger cytokines – a messenger that helps spark inflammation.

Sugar can and will go unnoticed in many product. So if you find unfamiliar words that end with “ose” (like fructose, glucose, galactose), these ingredients have the same effect as sugar.

Saturated Fats

Saturated fats is a heart disease indicator that can trigger adipose inflammation. Apart from its negative contribution to your heart health, it also worsens inflammation among patients with arthritis.

According to the National Cancer Institute, the biggest source of saturated fats in the average American diet is cheese and pizza. Other sources of it come from full dairy products, grain-based desserts, pasta, and red meat.

Trans Fats

Trans fats have been found to trigger systemic inflammation and we owe this discovery to the Harvard School of Public Health researchers back in the early 1990s.

Trans fats can be found in fried products, frozen foods, processed snacks like cookies, biscuits and donuts, fast foods, and margarines. All hydrogenated oils are trans fats so if you see this on the ingredient label, put it back on the shelf and never pick this one up ever again.


Though omega-6 essential fatty acids are needed for normal growth and development, too much of it can trigger the release of pro-inflammatory enzymes. As long as you supplement your body with enough omega-3, these fatty acids can be incredibly beneficial to your body.

Avoid too much omega-6 by staying away from grapeseed oil, peanut oil, soy oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, and salad dressings.

Refined Carbohydrates

It is easy to love breads, crackers, rolls, and potatoes as they are delicious and filling. But these are sources of refined carbohydrates and should be avoided at all cost especially when battling with chronic inflammation.

According to Scientific American, the main driver of the escalated rates of obesity and other chronic conditions in the country is carbohydrates and not fats. Foods that have high-glycemic index stimulates the AGE (advanced glycation end) which fuels inflammation.

Casein and Gluten

Casein and gluten are common allergens you get from eating wheat or dairy that promote inflammation. For individuals suffering from celiac diseases, dairy intolerance, and arthritis, their sensitivity to casein and gluten are even worse.

Eating too much of these allergens can definitely add up to your already-existing chronic inflammation. You can avoid these allergens by eliminating whey, grains, rye, wheat and barley from your diet.


A common sweetener to many “sugar-free” products, aspartame is an artificial sugar substitute with no nutritional value. Because aspartame is a neurotoxin and a foreign substance to your body, your immune system will automatically attack this chemical thereby promoting further inflammatory response.


Drinking a glass of wine or beer can definitely take off the edge, but too much of it can become a burden to your health. Excessive alcohol weakens the liver and affects other multi-organ activities and causes inflammation. It is best to get rid of alcohol consumption completely or drink it in moderation.

Cutting back on the foods listed above will help you tone down your chronic inflammation and give you a better control of your overall health. On top of the current medications you have, applying natural health remedies to enhance your situation will ultimately bring about health improvements. If you are overweight or obese, exercising to lose the excess weight increases your chances of becoming less prone to inflammation.

Making wise food choices also help top up your journey to a better health. Taking in antioxidant-rich spices will prevent oxidative damage brought about by chronic inflammation. Such dietary supplements are available in many food stores, pharmacies and online stores. Cinnamon and ginger tea is also known to tone down inflammation, clear up your skin and improve your digestive system.

Eat more vegetables and fruits that are low in carbohydrates, low in sucrose and high in fiber. They will help you stay full and satiated while cutting out the usual hunger pangs you may have. They are also rich in vitamins and phytochemicals which promotes cellular and tissue repair.

Getting more omega-3 will also help balance out your intake of omega-6 fatty acids. You can find omega-3 supplements which are usually sold as fish oil capsules. Including fish meals at least twice every week will help elevate your intake of omega-3 too.