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Build Strong Arms With These 7 Killer Arm Workouts

Work out your arms completely from your triceps to your palms with the best arm exercises.

The exercises can be done virtually anywhere with minimal equipment. No weights required. Repeat or hold each exercise until it gets to be too much, building up at your own pace. You can also try mixing and combining the exercises for a better result.

Exercise #1: Plank


Start with a plank. A standard plank works more than just your arms, but it’s key to activating everything from your forearms to your deltoids.


Modification: Go onto your forearms. You’ll still feel the exercise along your arms.

Exercise #2: Side Plank


In addition to feeling this along your obliques, both arms should be feeling activated.


Modification: To tone down the workout, place your forearm and top leg on the ground, still reaching that top arm up.

Exercise #3: Chair Push-Up


Grab a chair and position yourself as if you’re about to sit on the edge. Instead of taking a seat, put your arms on the chair and lower yourself down below its edge. For all of these, start with two repetitions to see how you feel, and then try to get up to 8-12 repetitions before you get too tired. Remember to keep your elbows back and close to your sides, not spread out to the left and right. Your back should also be straight and closer to the chair.


Modification: Place your legs straight out in front of you, moving up and down.

Exercise #4: Reverse Chair Push-Up


Use the chair to do modified push ups. This exercise can also be done standing up or against a wall.

Exercise #5: Toes on The Chair


Place your feet on the chair, lower yourself down through a push-up position. Be careful not to over-extend your back on this exercise.

Exercise #6: Reverse plank


Take a chair and go for a reverse plank on your forearms, putting your body in a full diagonal with your head back and in line with your body. This exercise targets your triceps.

Exercise #7: Down Dog


This “downward-facing dog” yoga pose is one of the best body strength training poses.