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Best Snoring Mouthguard for Sleep Apnea

Snoring occurs when a person can’t pass air freely through your nose and throat while sleeping, this makes the tissues around the nasal area to vibrate and produce the snoring sound that we’ve all heard. If you’ve ever been around a snorer then you know that it can be highly disruptive.

Most of the time if you talk about snoring, many minds readily jump and think about the man, but women snore too. It’s a normal condition though when it is pointed out in a woman it looks a bit off. We will look at the best mouth guard to help you combat your snoring. The first thing you should note is that all these devices that will be mentioned below are meant to be inserted into your mouth when you go to sleep. At first they make be massively uncomfortable and may even end up irritating you but with time you’ll get the hang of it. First thing is note that the oral appliance devices are divided into two. Tongue Stabilizing Device or (TSD) and Mandibular Advancement Device– (MAD).

Tongue Stabilizing Devices

The TSD are devices that are used to hold the tongue as one goes to sleep .It work by use of suction force to keep the tongue in a forward position and not allowing it to fall to the back of the throat blocking the airways and thus inducing the snoring. The Tongue Stabilizing Devices are very effective in getting rid of snoring. The TSD works best with tongue based snorers.The TSD should not be used by a person who has a cold or a clogged nostril since you’ll be struggling to breathe the whole night and won’t get quality sleep.

Mandibular Advancement Devices

The MAD work by holding the lower jaw and tongue in a forward position creating a clearer airway. The good thing about MAD is that they are adjustable so as to be more comfortable for you as you sleep but if you get the wrong type of MAD you’ll end up destroying your teeth and that will result in an extra trip to the dentist.For a person who has uneven teeth or a serious jaw problem you should probably pay a visit to your dentist so that your device can be fine-tuned to meet your specific requirements as opposed to just buying one by yourself.If you want a detailed review of the Mandibular Advancement Devices plus their various pricing, you can visit: www.topsnoringmouthpieces.com

There are a few things you need to have in mind when you are going to buy oral appliance:
1. Life Span

You have to know whether the use of a mouth guard is a long term or short term solution. If the guard is a short term solution then you can opt to buy the ones that last for six months to one year these are relatively cheap. If the solution is long term then you should buy ones that range beyond six months although they may be a bit expensive.

2. Material

This is a device that you are going to put in your mouth as you sleep so it is very important that you get material that you are not allergic to and won’t be too hard for your teeth and gums. Most of the patients for the dental thermoplastic.

It is important to be aware of your oral health first before going to be fitted for any of the above devices and always remember to clean them regularly after use and if at all you start to develop a reaction, e.g. allergic reaction, after you start using a product then visit a doctor. As a woman it may take you a while to adjust and you may feel a bit sore when you start using it but you’ll get used to it as you go along and this will lead to you and your partner getting much deserved sleep.