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Best Exercises for Firm Chest Muscles

Are you working hard to make your body feel good and healthy? Even a little bit of exercise can help your body in positive way and improve your physical and mental health. Before proper workout, it is suggested to warm up your body with little bit of stretches. Exercise can help you to keep check on your weight, with healthy heart. Your emotional and mental health will also be stable.

Some best workouts suggested by Kick Ass Home Gym for firm chest muscles:

For confidence boost up, toned chest muscles can give you prudent look. While working for chest muscles the target of movements is on pectoralis; major and minor. These exercises include different types of pushing exercises to tone and tighten your chest muscles. Keep a check on your every movement and adjust those movements in case your body feels tired by cutting the repetitions.

Pressing and Pushing

Most of the gyms provide this exercise equipment that helps you to perform bench press or seated chest press. Your hands should be at the level of your nipple line so adjust your seat accordingly. Your elbows should be in front of your shoulders, so set the bar position accordingly. Push your shoulders at the back rest and then contract your abs by pressing your chest forward. Make sure you are in this position throughout the exercise. With the repetition of 10 sets press the bar forward with straight elbows, bend them and back to start, check your elbows should not be locked.

Get Benched

You can also do this exercise with barbell or dumbbells by lying on the seated press. If you are working alone choose the weight that you can handle by taking it up and bringing it down. For this you have to lie down on your back with bent knees with holding dumbbells in each hand. Keep a check on your back that there is no weight pressure on it. Set your arms at 90 degree with palms facing away. Your elbows should be parallel to your shoulders. Slowly go up and return down with straight elbows towards the ceiling and no locking of elbows. Try not to drop your elbows lower than shoulder. Do set of 10 two or three times.


This is the workout where you have to use your own body weight for chest. This exercise is good for your core as well as your complete upper body. For this place your hands on the ground directly under shoulders, stabilize your lower half with toes on the ground. Tighten your abs as if they are taking a punch and with flat back and straight body. Now slowly with your flat back begin to bring your body downwards with neck straight looking in front. Your body should be straight from head to toe with no twists. Now push your body back again to the starting position. Try to repeat these with 5 to 10 times with 2 to 3 sets.

Bench Press

This is the best way to strengthen and bring size to your chest but this exercise won’t start the inner pectoral muscles fibres. So, if you need deep pointed centre line you have to add some more exercises that involve arms. Your arms should be able to cross your midline of the body or meet in the centre at the most. You can do it with cable crossovers and body cable crossovers. You can also try cable high low cross over’s. This will help you in making your lower, middle and upper pecs flexible. That’s like one exercise 3 benefits.