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Aspirin’s Health and Beauty Hacks- 5 Ways You Can Use the Most Known Pain Reliever

Who doesn’t have an Aspirin at home? It’s our go-to pill for every ache and pain. Aspirin is truly the best medicine ever, not only it gives us a temporary relief from aches, fever and pain, it also has health-boosting potential.

Keep on reading to find out the 5 less known uses of Aspirin that can help you improve your health and beauty routine:Aspirin’s-Health-and-Beauty-Hacks-5-Ways-You-Can-Use-the-Most-Known-Pain-Reliever-1

1. Acne treatment

Aspirin contains acetylic acid, synthetic derivative of the salicin compound which is naturally found in willow tree. Aspirin contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can reduce swelling, unclog pores and treat pimples.

Crush a few pills and mix them with 1 tbsp. full-fat yogurt and 1 tbsp. honey and apply the mixture on your face as a face mask.

2. Callus remover

Calluses can be quite uncomfortable. Luckily, aspirin can come in handy. Crush 6 pills and mix them with 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Apply the paste directly on your callus and wrap your foot with a plastic bag. The salicylic acid found in aspirin will exfoliate the skin on your feet and remove the callus.

3. Control dandruff

Did you know that most dandruff fighting shampoos contain salicylic acid? Just crush a few aspirins and add them into your shampoo to control your dandruff. The aspirin will also help you remove the dead skin layers on your scalp that cause the appearance of dandruff.

4. Repair chlorinated hair

Yes, aspirin can also help you repair your damaged hair. Just dissolve 6-8 pills in a glass of warm water and run the mixture through your hair for 154 minutes before rinsing it.

5. Prevents cancer

Reality is one aspirin a day can keep the cancer away. People who have used one aspirin every day for at least 10 years are at lower risk of getting cancer, strokes and heart attacks.

Read more: Homemade Aspirin Hair Mask That Will Make Your Hair Look Gorgeous