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8 Surprising Benefits Of Cottage Cheese Including Weight Loss

There is a reason why weight watchers around the world are recommending to incorporate cottage cheese our daily diet. There are many amazing benefits of cottage cheese that many aren’t familiar with. Maybe you aren’t a big fan of eating cottage cheese, but after reading this article you may change your perception of it.

Here are the best 8 health benefits of cottage cheese:


1. Promotes Weight Loss

Cottage cheese is surprisingly low in calories, 100 gr. contains only 98 calories. Just keep your weight in check with the incorporation of cottage cheese in your daily meals. You can add cottage cheese in your favorite fruit smoothies, health desserts or breakfast toasts.

2. Rich Source Of Protein

Cottage cheese is a rich source of protein that can keep you energized throughout the day. Cottage cheese contains casein protein more than any other cheese. That’s why it is so important to include cottage cheese in your daily cooking.

3. Great Food For Pregnant Mothers

Cottage cheese contains great amounts of protein, calcium and phosphorus that are necessary for the mother as well as the baby. Also, it is a mild cheese with no smell which is good for those mothers who have nausea during pregnancy, plus it is easy to digest.

4. Rich in Vitamin B

Cottage cheese is rich in vitamin, which is great for brain development, metabolism and decreasing the cholesterol. Those who are suffering from high cholesterol can consume cottage cheese, moderately on a regular basis.

5. Prevents a Heart Attack

With daily moderate consumption of cottage cheese may prevent a heart attack. It is also great for those with diabetes, since it can maintain a steady blood sugar level. Cottage cheese is rich in magnesium, which has a positive effect on heart and blood sugar level.

6. Reduces The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Cottage cheese is a great source of calcium and vitamin D which may prevent from getting a breast cancer. This is another reason to include cottage cheese in your everyday cooking and keep the cancer away!

7. Controls Anxiety

Cottage cheese is a good source of potassium which acts as an electrolyte and healer in the body.  It can lessen the muscle cramps during menstruation and keep you calm. Cottage cheese also regulates the blood pressure and keeps your brain healthy, reducing the chances of a stroke.

8. Rich in Powerful Antioxidants

Cottage cheese is rich in selenium which is a powerful antioxidant that lowers the risk of prostate as well as colon cancer, protecting the cells and DNA from damage. Cottage cheese is full of selenium that benefits all age groups.