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5 Things You Should Do If You’re Trying to Lose Weight

If you are getting trouble in trying to lose weight or want to lose your weight quickly, then remember the below 5 things that you should do. You will find hundreds of blogs and articles saying that losing weight is based on only two things; 1) eat less, 2) run more. Do exercises for hours in a day and don’t eat during the period by ignoring your hunger. Is all these true? No, absolutely not. You do not need to be harsh on your body to lose weight. The process is simple if you follow in a proper manner. Read ahead.


1. Choose low-calorie diet

Being on a diet doesn’t mean you avoid eating food and just eat vegetables. But you should start avoiding food with more sugar and starch like bread in your diet. This idea is older than one and half century years now. You can lose weight by being on any diet. Just keep in mind to have low carb diet in your food plan. It doesn’t mean you need to be hungry forever, just keep the calories low in your food.

2. Strength Training

Yes, it is true that if you do aerobic exercise, it will help you to lose weight. It is not the best among all, though. Strength Training like building muscles is better than a cardio-only routine. This exercises increases the growth of the contractile units of the muscle and improves resistance. There is a number of Books for Strength Training Exercises are available in the market. Get your copy and transform your body into a muscular figure and simultaneously lose a fair amount of weight.

3. Eat only when you are hungry

If you aren’t hungry, then don’t eat even if it is your meal time. You will say that if I skip a meal, how can one say that I am following the diet plan? Your question is right, but one thing you should remember that clocks are made for keeping us efficient in work and other programs, not to decide when to eat and when not. If it is not your meal time and you got hungry, then you must give required food supplements to your body. Do not look at the clock, look to your body and give importance to what your body requires. Not only this, but you should also reduce eating unnecessary snacking like dairy products, nuts, etc. Don’t feel hesitate to skip your meal if you are not hungry. Keep in mind that eating food frequently even if your body doesn’t demand it will slow down the weight loss process. So if you want to lose weight sustainably then eat only when you are hungry.

4. Exercise smartly

Many posts say that you just take stair rather than an elevator and get off on your bus one stop earlier to start losing weight. This is ridicules. Sorry, but this will not at all help you to lose your weight. If you are serious about weight loss, then you must give at least an hour/day for tough workouts. For example, you can take rounds in a garden, dance, cycle, or start playing any sport you love. Smart exercise will make you feel and look better.

5. Take required amount of vitamins and minerals

Everybody needs a proper amount of minerals and vitamins. If you do not get enough vitamins, you will become hungrier, and you will start eating more. This will effect on your weight loss plan. On the other hand, if you get proper vitamin and mineral supplements, then it will decrease your hunger level while keeping your body nutrient-rich and healthy.

Lose weight forever

Losing weight in quick secession and maintaining the weight you gained is two different things. If you want to lose weight forever, then you should follow the same process and routine forever. If you start your prelife which was before you started losing weight, then there is no surprise if you gain the weight again. Following weight loss tips and sticking to a diet plan for only to the time of reaching your goal is not enough, absolutely not. Keeping the perfect weight requires your efforts for changing your habits and keep patience for a longer period (forever). Remember that long-term change is hard only at the beginning, but by following the proper planning, you will get the best results as you want.

Author Bio:

Mandip is a fitness enthusiast, an avid outdoorsman, an animal lover and a gardener. He loves to enjoy ‘living in the present’ with his family. Currently, he is blogging at Best on Internet.