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5 Surprising Benefits of Playing Video Games

While playing video games has been associated with such maladies as addiction, obesity, social isolation and aggression, there are many cognitive benefits that come with it. Strong evidence suggests that children who play video games demonstrate improved logical, literary and social skills. Numerous studies have also shown that video games have long term positive effects on the player’s attention, memory, perception and decision making. In essence, playing these games can mold your child into a better person. If you need the best place for playing games you can always try unblocked games.


Here are some of the key benefits of playing video games:
  1. Improves a Child’s Problem-Solving and Logical Skills

Majority of video games designed for children usually involve a great deal of solving puzzles and other problems within a short period of time. Such games as Angry Birds, Cut the Rope and Incredible Machine are particularly helpful to kids. Action video games require players to make rapid moves and keep track of many items at once, which act as building blocks for intelligence. Regardless of the gender or race of the child, playing video games can make a kid more creative from an early age.

  1. Improved Reading and Maths Skills

Games usually require a player to receive instructions, follow the storyline and pursue the required information. In games that involve managing resources, use of quantitative analysis can be important. Also, most games are designed with internal logic that prompts players to solve problems by recognizing patterns.

Action games have also been linked to:

-Increasing kid’s attention spans

-Overcoming dyslexia among children

-Reduced impulsiveness

-Improved perseverance levels

  1. Polished Fine Motor and Spatial Skills

In action games, particularly shooting ones, a character may be required to run while shooting simultaneously. That means the kid must learn how to keep track of the character’s position, direction, speed as well as the target. The brain’s interpretation and reaction to movements needs to be properly coordinated if success in a mission is to be realized. Mastering all these aspects can allow a child to make faster decisions (even in real-life situations) without sacrificing accuracy.

  1. Develop Better Teamwork and Cooperation among Children

In multi-player games that require one to play with other online players, coordination is necessary if the player has to win. With this type of games, each player’s individual skills are important for the success of the team. Studies have indicated that children who play such video games demonstrate better collaborative skills in class, something that fosters good teamwork.

  1. Video Games Improves Children’s Self-Esteem and Confidence

Games are usually designed with different levels, starting from basic/beginner all through to complex or difficult. As the kid starts from beginner level, he or she practices and starts building skills slowly. As the kid moves through the subsequent levels, he becomes confident in facing and handling more difficult challenges. The child is not afraid of making mistakes because he realizes there are more opportunities to try again. When they transfer this kind of attitude to real life, they can have the confidence of taking more risks as they explore more. Some scary games will also enhance a child’s courage which he/she can apply in all aspects of life.


As demonstrated above, playing video games not only promotes a feeling of happiness among children but it also comes with numerous benefits to the brain. A child who plays games demonstrates improved memory, concentration, reasoned judgments and accuracy in problem solving. All these aspects can be improved from an early age if a child engages in playing videos games, either offline or online. It’s a high time for parents to buy video games for their children because the benefits that come with them are countless.