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5 Simple Ways To Fulfill Your Partner’s Emotional Needs

It must be frustrating when your significant other turns cold or sulks.

“Is it that time of the month? Did he just have a bad day? Did I do something wrong?”

Questions like these will keep popping up in your mind. They challenge your marriage. They create doubts and uncertainties.

A happy, long-lasting relationship does not solely rely on physical intimacy. Instead, a deep emotional connection is what makes a relationship strong and meaningful.

At the end of the day, you and your partner may make things up over sex. But the real problem will never go away.

Unless you learn to develop emotional intimacy with your partner, the same issue will keep coming back.

So next time you see your partner craving emotional needs, here are 5 simple ways you can fulfill their hunger.

1. Be Open

Openness and honesty matter.

You need to be able to express your thoughts and feelings with your significant other.

While your partner may not be comfortable with sharing their thoughts in details, it always helps to be the first person to confess.

Avoid accusing your partner of not being able to articulate his or her own needs.

Be patient.

Find a calm, relaxing moment to discuss the need for openness vs. closeness in your relationship. You’ll be able to come up with different ways to fit this emotional need into your styles, habits, and preferences.

2. Pay Attention to Your Own Reactions

This task is not as easy as it seems.

When you’re in the middle of a discussion or heated argument, very often your feelings are not in check.

All of a sudden you become reactive, defensive, upset, and irrational. The next thing you know, your partner turns inward and shuts down the conversation.

Acknowledge your feelings to your partner. You may also need a timeout to process your emotions clearly.

3. Show Respect

Respect is the stepping stone for an emotionally healthy relationship. Really, who can be happy with a disrespectful partner?

A common way to show him or her your respect is to show your empathy. When they share their thoughts and feelings, learn to actively listen and participate in the conversation.

Do not judge your partner’s emotions — this only makes them feel defensive. Instead, accept and respect them.

4. Balance The Need for Autonomy and Connection

Everyone has a different background and ways of doing things. Some enjoy spending time by themselves. Others crave social interactions.

Being in a relationship does not mean you have to give up your identity and only engage with your partner.

You should love and care for your partner while taking good care of yourself. The same applies to your partner.

A balance between autonomy and connection allows couples to accept their differences and support each other. This ensures everyone can get what they need.

5. Show That You Care

Nurturing a relationship is more or less like growing a plant.

It’s important to spend time and attention to strengthen your relationship.

Nothing good happens by accident.

A nice way to help you and your partner understand and communicate with each other better is to complete an Emotional Needs Questionnaire

When you truly care about your partner, it shows. He or she will feel loving, seen, and appreciated. This enables them to become more willing to talk about their emotional needs.  

You can also check out a Phalogenics program to learn more about how to improve your romantic life.

Emotional fulfillment for you and your partner is possible again. 

Bookmark these five important tips to help you strengthen and grow your relationship.