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5 Simple Ways to Check Pregnancy Without a Kit

While it is recommended to do a scientific pregnancy test, there are many other ways you could perform the test without a kit. Most of these include historical non-medical solutions that were applied before the invention of kits and clinical methods. If you are considering conducting a pregnancy test and don’t want to go through all the medical procedures that include using a kit, these tips could help you determine your pregnancy status at home using homemade remedies.

Here are five ways to know if you are pregnant without a pregnancy test kit:
1. Wheat and Barley Test

The wheat and barley test traces its origin from ancient Egypt and has been used over the years with success rates as high as 80%. In fact, it was put through laboratory tests and seen to achieve up to 70% accuracy. While performing the wheat and barley test, one is required to urinate on wheat and barley seeds for several days in a row. If the wheat shows signs of sprouting, it could be a sign of pregnancy, a baby girl. If the barley sprouts, it indicates pregnancy of a baby boy. When none of them sprouts, it shows there is no pregnancy.

2. Mustard Powder Test

Mustard powder is regarded to be an effective period inducer. So, when you miss periods or there are delays, you are instructed to bath in water made with mustard powder (2 cups). If your periods come in a day or two, then you would be assured you are not pregnant. But if two weeks after the test no signs of periods are seen, then this could indicate you are pregnant. You can read in detail about the procedure on checkpregnancy.com.

3. Bleach Test

With the bleach test, you collect the first urine in the morning and mix with some bleaching powder. After this you should observe what happens to the urine. If there is fizzing and foaming, this is a sign you are pregnant, but when nothing happens you are likely not pregnant. If you would not like to use a bleaching agent, you can consider using a concentrated soap solution and it will work in the same manner.

4. Using Hydrogen Peroxide and Tylenol

Tylenol is a pain drug that is available in many households. Although hydrogen peroxide is not very common, you can buy it from a chemist. To do the test, you are required to crush one tablet of Tylenol in a bowl. Proceed to add some drops of hydrogen peroxide into it. Allow the mixture to settle for an hour or so then put urine in a separate bowl. Add the Tylenol and hydrogen peroxide mixture into the urine. If the solution changes its color to blue, it is an indication you are pregnant.

5. Testing with Toothpaste

Toothpaste has also in many occasions been shown to work perfectly. Just pee in a jar and take your toothpaste and using a spatula mix the paste with the urine. If the mixture begins frothing or changes color to blue, you are likely pregnant. If nothing changes, you are not pregnant.

These methods have worked in most of the cases, but it does not mean that they are the best you could use when you need to test your pregnancy status. Remember, they are not scientifically backed so you could get a few errors. These are just a few alternatives, just before you decide taking on the real tests. In some ways it helps you prepare yourself emotionally for the positive outcome of a pregnancy test. Nonetheless, when you are not able to get a pregnancy test kit, they come in handy and have good accuracy in most cases.