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Is the 40 Hour Workweek Efficient?

We live in a new world where jobs are not easy to come by and if you are employed you are willing to work crazy hours to prove your worth. The problem to this though is that it is harmful to your health along with the company’s productivity levels.


There have been many studies carried out to try to show what the correct amount of hours an employee should work to get maximum productivity out of them. All show that once a worker works over 40 hours per week that their productivity levels drop considerably and it damages their well-being.

In a global economy which is extremely competitive, there are many different views on the subject. Some employers simply see their workers as machines and do not respect that they are missing out on valuable leisure along with family time. Having a happy, well-rested employee is best for both parties.

People are simply not designed to be able to work crazy hours week in week out without it having a major impact. Doctors often work 60 plus hours per week which is extremely dangerous as their stress levels along with exhaustion could end in the death of one of their patients. A well-rested doctor is able to work at their peak ability, therefore, limit the risks of accidents or errors from happening. This is the same for a lot of industries and gradually employers are waking up to this fact.

The problem at the moment is the current worldwide financial crisis which looks to be getting worse rather than better. It is putting more pressure on managers to make their companies more money and to do this they are demanding more and more from their employees. They believe that and not cutting hours and employing more people, the company will be more productive and make more money. This is simply not true and the reverse happens.

Technology companies such as Google pay a great deal of attention to their worker’s well-being. They make sure they are not overworked and have many facilities that employees can use to relax and take a break from the stresses of work. Most other industries are still in the dark ages but slowly they are recognizing that their current setup is not right.

Many companies are investing heavily in technology so that they can use fewer people. Machines can work 24/7 and will help them to increase profits over the long-term. Amazon who is the world’s largest retailer are at the forefront of this and are even trying to implement drones for delivery and not use human employees.

The world is changing fast and with exponential growth in the technology sector, maybe at some point in the near future, there will be no employment opportunities due to this. It is why at some point a basic living wage for all citizens will have to be introduced. We have seen in the past that when people can not afford living costs that wars happen. Hopefully, with the invention of the blockchain and cryptocurrency, the dream of a living wage for all may come true.