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3-Week Cardio-Sculpting Workout Plan: You Going to Love Your Body

This workout plan is perfect for any body, and it is the ultimate mind and body booster.

This 3-week workout is designed for all fitness levels, so follow the exercise and cardio variations that are right for you, and you will have more energy, better health, and body of your dreams.

This plan consists of 4 primary workouts: 3 strength circuits and a cardio routine. Each circuit focuses on a different set of muscle groups; the cardio plan is designed to burn more calories.

Equipment: A set of light (3- to 5-pound) and medium (8- to 10-pound) dumbbells.

The 3-week workout plan involves:

Day 1: Cardio, stretch

Day 2: Circuits A & C

Day 3: Cardio, stretch

Day 4: Circuits B & C

Day 5: Circuit A, stretch

Day 6: Circuits B & C

Day 7: Rest day

(Repeat for weeks 2 and 3)

Circuit A

Repeat this circuit 4 times.

1. Push-Up/Plank Combo


This exercise targets shoulders, triceps, chest and abs.

Start in a modified push-up position, hands on ground slightly wider than shoulders and knees down. Keep a straight line with your body, and tight your abs. Bend elbows 90 degrees, then push back up to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 20 to 25 reps.

After your last rep, lift your knees off the ground so you’re in a full push-up position with legs extended. Keeping abs tight and back straight, hold for 30 seconds.

2. Chest Flye


This exercise targets shoulders and chest.

Lie on the ground and bend yo knees. Hold heavier dumbbells with arms extended, palms facing each other. Slowly open arms out to sides, keeping elbows slightly bent; stop when weights are about an inch above the ground. Push weights back to starting position. That’s 1 rep. Do 15 reps.

You can also pick up the lighter set of weights and repeat. Perform 10 more reps.

3. Reverse Lunge


This exercise targets glutes, hamstrings and quads.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding lighter set of dumbbells with arms at sides and palms in. Lunge right foot behind you, while lowering your right knee toward ground; bend left knee 90 degrees. Return to start, driving body weight through your left heel; bring right knee to hip level. Repeat. Do 15 reps, then switch legs.

4. Squat/Chair Pose


This exercise targets glutes, hamstrings and quads.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding lighter dumbbells on shoulders. Squat down, pushing butt behind you; keep body weight over heels. Push through heels to return to start, squeezing glutes. Do 20 to 25 reps.

After last rep, drop weights and bring feet together. Resume squat position, keeping knees behind toes and extending arms in front at chest level; hold for 30 seconds.

Circuit B

Repeat this circuit 4 times.

1. Plie Squat


This exercise targets glutes, quads and inner thighs.

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with toes turned out, holding lighter dumbbells vertically in front of thighs. Tight your abs and bend knees 90 degrees; keep knees aligned between second and third toes and weight in heels. Press back to start; squeeze your glutes. Do 15 reps.

2. Biceps Curl


This exercise targets biceps.

Stand tall with your feet together and slightly bend your knees. Hold a heavy dumbbell in each hand with palms facing up. Slowly curl the weights toward your shoulders, contracting your biceps. Slowly lower the weights to start and repeat. Do 15 reps.

You can also pick up the lighter set of weights and repeat. Perform 10 more reps.

3. Inner/Outer Leg Lift


This exercise targets glutes, outer and inner thighs.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, extend your arms at shoulder height with palms down. Lift left leg to side, squeezing outer thigh and glutes. Do 15 reps.

Without touching floor, bring your left leg in front of your body, then rotate inner thigh to face forward. Press left heel forward; do 15 reps.Switch sides and repeat.

4. Back Flye


This exercise targets upper back and shoulders.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and put the right leg about 3 feet behind left. Hold heavier dumbbells with palms facing each other. Bend forward from waist, with extended arms toward ground diagonally just in front of left knee. Slowly open arms straight out to sides to shoulder level, while contracting the muscles of your upper back. Slowly lower weights and repeat. Return to center and repeat; do 15 reps.

You can also pick up the lighter set of weights and repeat. Peform 10 more reps.

Circuit C

Repeat this circuit 4 times.

1. Roll-Up


This exercise targets deep and “six-pack” abdominal muscles.

Lie on the ground and bend your knees, extend your arms with palms facing up. Reach your arms straight, while contracting your abs. Lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground. Keep your spine rounded, moving as smoothly as possible.

When you’re all the way up, pull your abs in tight and roll back down one vertebra at a time. Do 8 reps.

2. Side Reach


This exercise targets obliques and deep abdominal muscles.

Lie on the ground on your right side with legs stacked, right arm on the ground and left arm on top of left leg. Keep your abs pulled in, reach left hand down as if going to touch ankle feeling the contraction along your side. Slowly lower back down, using your obliques and abs to provide resistance. Do 8 reps; switch sides and repeat.

3. Boat Pose


This exercise targets deep and “six-pack” abdominal muscles.

Sit on the ground and bd your knees, with your feet hip-width apart. Place hands under thighs, inhaling deeply. Lift your feet off and exhale, pulling in your abs. Then, lean back slightly, balancing on your tailbone, and open arms wide out to sides. Hold for 8 breaths, return to start, and repeat. Do 3 reps.

Cardio Workout

With this cardio routine you are going to burn 300 to 500 calories in 40 to 50 minutes. You can do cardio on a treadmill or on flat terrain. Remember to stretch your body before starting.

Choose one of the levels below:


  • 0:00-5:00: Warm up, 3.5 mph, 0%
  • 5:00-7:00: Speed-walk, 4.0 mph, 0%
  • 7:00-9:00: Run, jog (5.2-6.0 mph, 0%) or speed-walk (3.8 mph, 6%)
  • 9:00-33:00: Repeat minutes 5:00-9:00 six more times, alternating 2 minutes of walking with 2 minutes of running or walking on an incline
  • 33:00-38:00: Cool down, 3.5 mph, 0%


  • 0-5:00: Warm up, 3.5 mph, 0%
  • 5:00-7:00: Speed-walk, 4.0 mph, 0%
  • 7:00-22:00: Run, jog (5.2-6.0 mph, 0%) or speed-walk (3.8 mph, 6%)
  • 9:00-39:00: Repeat minutes 5:00-22:00, alternating 2 minutes of walking with 15 minutes of running or walking on an incline
  • 39:00-45:00: Cool down, 3.5 mph, 0%


  • 0-5:00: Warm up, 3.5 mph, 0%
  • 5:00-10:00: Run, jog (5.2-6-0 mph, 0%) or speed-walk (3.8 mph, 6%)
  • 10:00-12:00: Sprint (6.0-7.0 mph, 0%) or speed-walk (3.8 mph, 10%)
  • 12:00-47:00: Repeat minutes 5:00-12:00 5 more times, alternating 5 minutes of running or walking on an incline
  • 47:00-52:00: Cool down, 3.5 mph, 0%
