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10 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Healthy and Quickly!

Fast weight loss takes more than one approach; therefore it is imperative that you approach weight loss from more than one angle. By this I mean that you need to focus not only on proper nutrition, but also on training and lifestyle habits. To lose weight quickly, you must make lifestyle changes and good choices. The only challenge here is to make yourself motivated. I’ve found that people who are really motivated to achieve their goals are exponentially more successful.

That being said, there is some basic information that you NEED to know if you plan on losing weight quickly and safely. Below are 10 tips for a rapid weight loss program. Incorporate these into your daily routine, follow them consistently, and be amazed by the results that follow.


1. Plan Your Meals

Here’s a lose weight fast diet that works. For breakfast, have a cup of coffee or tea, no sugar, no milk, plus an apple or a grapefruit. For lunch, have a salad with no dressing, some boiled (or steamed) veggies or a piece of grilled chicken. For dinner, have some rice and one or two pieces of fruit of your choice (except bananas). It’s a fast way to lose weight, but be disciplined and keep the program for two weeks.

You have to plan your meals to be able to lose weight fast and safe. Be sure to include a piece of meat in your lunch every other day, to get the necessary proteins, and also eat rice to get the carbohydrates that your body needs for energy. Planning will keep you disciplined and on your way to your goal.

2. Cut Out Refined Carbohydrates

It’s not just sugar that is bad for you, it’s also refined carbohydrates. As a general rule, avoid white things, and eat brown things. For example, white bread and white French baguettes are made using refined wheat flour. When you refine carbohydrate, you remove most of the fiber and nutrients. What you’re then left with is food that is high in carbohydrate but not much else.

When you eat food that is high in carbohydrate but low in fiber and nutrients, this gives your body a “hit” of carbohydrate, which gets converted into glucose quickly, sending your blood glucose level up really high. Your body then removes this excess sugar from the blood, and stores it. If this temporary store of sugar is not soon used up in physical activity, it gets stored as fat, the body’s long-term energy store.

3. Emphasize The Protein

Having a diet very low in sugar and high in protein is probably the best tip I can give anyone trying to lose weight. Low sugar controls your insulin and primes your body to use fat as the primary source of fuel. Protein is important because it takes energy to break down into its sub components. This means that your body actually burns calories (fat) when digesting protein! How cool is that?

Additionally, protein rebuilds and restores your muscles. As I mentioned above, muscle is a critical component that is often overlooked in weight loss programs. Muscle makes is so much easier to lose weight, and by eating protein you are emphasizing that.

4. Eat Small, Frequent Meals

Eating small meals, several times a day keeps your body burning at peak efficiency. Think of your body as a fat burning furnace. If you keep the fire stoked with food/fuel, it will continue to burn strongly. If you load it up with a lot of fuel at once, it will burn brightly but quickly fizzle out. By having several mini meals, you are more likely to eat less and in the process have a better control of weight. However it is very important to make sure that you eat the right foods even in the several mini meals that you eat.

5. Vary Your Foods

Did you know that changing the types of foods you eat on a daily basis “tricks” your body into burning more calories? It’s true. By changing up your diet often and eating a variety of foods, your metabolism will increase and you will lose weight. Most people don’t know how to lose weight quick using healthy methods.

6. Include Foods Rich in Nutrients

To lose weight effectively and quickly you must follow a diet that includes food items high in nutrients, but low in calories. This will put your body in a healthy fat burning mode, and you will have a higher chance of keeping the weight off for a very long time.

7. Eat Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism

You also need to include certain foods in your diet that will speed up your metabolism. Some of these foods you can eat to increase your metabolism are berries, almonds, beans and legumes, leafy greens, lean meats, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.



8. You Need Dairy Products

Calcium is a great fat burner, and really pinpoints the waist and stomach area. Low fat cheese, milk and yogurt are all great for slimming the waist! Of course, you don’t want to make a habit of eating a pint of ice cream every day, but every now and then really doesn’t hurt if you stick to a healthy plan 80% of the time.

9. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drink at least 2 or 3 liters of water a day to help you to shed extra weight fast. Water makes wonders for your digestion and it helps your body eliminate fat and toxins. Most people aren’t aware that water will promote quick weight loss. The minimum amount is 8 glasses of water daily. You may also drink drinks which contain no calorie. An easy tip that you can follow for your daily water intake is to follow the ratio of 1:2, which is drink 1 ounce of water for each 2 pounds of your body weight.

10. Exercise to Lose Weight

By exercising, you will not only burn up calories while you are doing the exercise, you will also raise your metabolism for the whole day. This means your body will continue to burn calories (and therefore hopefully lose weight) no matter what you are doing.

And the thing is you don’t really need to take much time out of your day. For example, if you live quite close to work; why not walk instead of drive. Or if you catch the bus to work, get off one stop early. Or if you can’t do either of these, why not just get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning and do a brisk walk before breakfast. You’d be surprised just how much difference such regular daily exercise will make.

Do’s and Don’ts

If you need to lose weight fast, do it smartly! You don’t have to starve yourself. Lose weight fast and safe by cutting all the extra calories from your diet. No more sweets, pasta, pizza, bread, peanuts, chips or any kind of snacks. Also cut alcohol completely out of your diet.

In order to lose weight fast and safe, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, simple boiled rice, and drink a lot of water. You will get all the vitamins and fiber your body needs. Be careful to stay hydrated. You must stop eating candies and chocolate, and increase your water intake. You must avoid consuming coffees, sodas, and other sugar drinks because they will ruin your quick and healthy weight loss diet.

These 10 tips on how to lose weight quickly are very useful to everyone. Remember, determination and motivation is the key to lose weight quickly because with these two components, you will not be able to reach your goal. Losing weight helps boost self-confidence and self-esteem so why not try these simple tips and see the big difference. Nothing is impossible in life as long as you have the guts in achieving your goals in life. With these methods, you will also be able to wash out surplus water weight. I wish you the very best in your weight loss endeavors.