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10 Little Simple Things Men Don’t Realize How Much They Mean to Women

It’s an everlasting battle, the one between ladies and their husky admirers. I’ve been in one with my boyfriend for as long as I can remember, and even though I’ve grown into a strong, independent woman, I often dream of him picking up those tiny signals of my stubborn, oh-so emotional girlishness.

Dear gentlemen, suitors, and wooers, these are the 10 little things that would make us the happiest women feel appreciated.

1. Calling Her Rather than Texting

Texting is conveniently effortless – instead of a poem about love, devotion, and everything in between, you can simply send a beating heart. But regardless of how cute, emojis can never replace the warmth, concern, and affection of a quavering voice. And, that message can only be conveyed over the phone.

2. Ask Her How Her Day Was

There’s a goddess hiding within every modern lady, the one that’s capable of moving mountains and parting seas. Your lady probably does this on a daily basis, confirming with each step that she’s the most amazing and kind person you know. Don’t belittle her, but be her confidant and advisor.

3. Don’t Just Listen, But Listen with Supporting Advice and Solutions to Her Concerns

And – listen closely, this is extremely important – don’t just ask her about her day for the matter of asking. She’ll certainly have something to say, so be there to soak in every remark, to keep quiet when she needs to cry or yell, and to provide a meaningful advice and kind words of love and support.

4. Saying I Love You Randomly Enough for Her to Know How You Feel

The longer the relationship is, the less we say it. I love you can sometimes seem too childish and trivial to express all the gratitude, respect, and affection you have for your wonder woman, but that still doesn’t mean you should deprive her of a little random reminder of how spectacular you think she is.

5. Carrying Heavy Items During Shopping or While on a Trip

Please, and I mean it with all my heart, never forget to do this. This tiny act of relieving her of her heavy weight is a huge metaphor for your wonderful partnership. It’s a thank you note for every time she was there to pick up the slack, and a pledge that you’ll always be around to share the burden.

6. Cook for Her

In this crazy, sometimes nonsensical world we live in, preparing food has remained a woman’s responsibility. It’s hard to understand why, but working ladies are still expected to cook for their providing men. Break the circle, and show her appreciation over a plate of home-cooked spaghetti.

7. Offering to Pick Her Up When She Works Late

It’s strange for me to impart you with this kind of advice, concerning how perfectly natural such behavior should be. The fact that many men fail in it is even stranger, but you personally have a choice. If you’re tired or cranky when she works late, understand that she is probably even more so.

8. Always Bring Her Goodies Whenever You Go Out with Friends

Having separate social lives is perfectly fine in healthy relationships, as long as neither one of you forgets about the partner who’s left waiting at home. Whenever you go out with your friends, brings her something nice. Call her before you head back, and ask if she needs a snack or a cup of coffee.

9. Compliment on the Way She Looks

I have no idea why men stop complimenting their ladies as some time passes by, especially if they still put in the effort to look as every bit as attractive as they have on the first date. A woman is expected to care about her appearance, no matter how tiring that can be, so let her know that it’s not in vain.

10. Always Provide Advices to Help Her Grow as a Person

Be respectful of your little girl’s personal growth. I’m sure she’s working very hard to fix her insecurities and weaknesses, so always show her that her improvement is recognized. If she struggles to fight her demons of, propose a tête-à-tête and encourage her with a good advice and a shoulder to cry on.

See, it takes so little to make us feel loved. Your beautiful half deserves it very much, so don’t hesitate for long. A man who is generous with these tiny tokens of devotion is a man of her dreams, the one she’ll feel gorgeous, confident, respected, and cherished around. At the end, that’s all us girls need.

Author’s Bio

Kolyanne Russ is a founder of Pinch of Attitude blog. It focuses on attitude-building, self-improvement, and lifestyle design to help people draw the right action plan and achieve a desirable balance between success and happiness. Her goal is to share her personal experiences as a guidance for others to learn from and build the life of their dreams and experience true happiness in every area of their life.