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10 of the Best Tips to Manage Curly Hair You’ll Ever Read

Your curly hair can be both fun and frustrating, if you are blessed with a curly head of hair you definitely know what we mean!  Have curly hair makes you stand out, sometimes for all the wrong reasons!

There are ways to manage curly hair though, so don’t give up hope if you’re frustrated with your hairstyle.  When your hair looks great, those curls can be incredibly cute but you also have to deal with the frizz and “poufy” hair that drives you crazy.

Still, you have options when it comes to the way you manage curly hair and this article will talk about the 10 best tips to manage it!


Professional Tips for Curly Hair

When you have curly hair it can be easy to just give up on it or stop trying to make it behave.  These tips will take the frustration out of managing your curly hair and improve not only your lifestyle but the way your hairstyle looks.

Stop Brushing Your Hair – you heard that one right!  Put down the hair brush.  When you have curly hair, using a brush actually does more harm than good.  The best way to keep your hair looking good and manageable is to comb it.  Sometimes doing this right out of the shower is easier, especially if your hair is wet.

When it Doubt, Put it Up – you can use the natural volume of your hair when trying to style, for example, curly hair looks great when you push it up with a head band or bandana.  They also work great for when you just don’t have time to mess with your hair.  You can look great while keeping your curls under control.

Don’t Shampoo Too Much – the general rule of thumb is that you should shampoo your hair every other day.  If you shampoo your hair on a daily basis you run the risk of stripping the natural oils from your hair.  This makes it dry and brittle.  Shampoo in moderation, but find the schedule that works for you.

Use Conditioner – conditioner is probably one of the best things you can use to manage curly hair.  Do your research and find a conditioner that works well with your hair.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money either, just find something that works and hydrates your curls.

Pat Your Hair Dry – don’t rub your hair with a towel to dry it, this just encourages your hair to pouf out when it is dry, gently pat your hair dry.  This is the best way to treat your curly hair when it is wet.

Use Quality Hair Care Products – if you have curly hair, you know that sometimes shampoo and conditioner aren’t enough.  If you do opt to use hair care products, be sure they are high quality and designed for curly hair.

Stop Blow Drying Your Hair – applying heat to your hair will damage it, this includes using a straightening tool by the way.  When you damage your hair with heat, you’ll see even more frizz and your hair will become brittle.  Just say no to blow drying!


Use a Silk Pillowcase – sleeping on silk will help tame your curls overnight and reduce the amount of frizz you get the next morning.  Silk pillowcases drastically reduce the amount of curly bed-head you’ll get too.

Talk to Your Stylistgetting the right haircut may be just the thing you need for managing your curly hair.  The right hairstyle can make a huge difference when it comes to your curly hair especially if your hair is longer or tends to frizz.

Love Your Curls – when coming to terms with your curly hairstyle, don’t fight them, embrace them.  Show off your curls and wear them with pride.  Sure, you may fight with them on some days but there are many people who love curls just as much.  Use them as an asset and make peace with your hairstyle.

Make Peace with Your Curly Hair

For those of us who have curly hairs, the struggle is real!  Just because we may fight with our hairstyle doesn’t mean we can’t flaunt it when it is working well.  Curly hair can be a blessing and curse, but with luck and the tips above, you can turn that curse into a beautiful hairstyle that works for you.